
Lorie Shaull/Flickr Zoe Samuel/Twitter

Elizabeth Warren’s plan for everything is now a meme 

‘When it’s breakfast time, Elizabeth Warren has a bran for that.’


Stacey Ritzen

Internet Culture

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is currently one of the frontrunners among the *checks notes* two dozen Democratic hopefuls looking to face off against President Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. Much of Warren’s current success boils down to her ardently plan-driven campaign.

In fact, Warren’s presidential bid has been so policy forward, that “I have a plan for that”  has emerged as her unofficial campaign slogan–which has since been emblazoned across countless headlines, T-shirts, totes, and other merchandise.

She now has her preparedness to thank for becoming a meme.

It all started late Sunday night when British expatriate writer and producer Zoe Samuel tweeted, “When it’s breakfast time, Elizabeth Warren has a bran for that.”


But Samuel wasn’t done there–continuing to riff off of the slogan with a dozen or so additional funny tweets in a thread that would be sure to make Dr. Seuss proud.





By Tuesday morning, the joke began to go viral as others jumped in to add their own variations. (Noted there is some overlap, as only so many words rhyme with “plan.”)


Weird Twitter account darth naturally had a great contribution, riffing off of the classic Saturday Night Live Chris Farley sketch.

“35 years old, eating a steady diet of government cheese, thrice divorced, and living down by the river?” he wrote. “Elizabeth Warren has a van for that.”


It wouldn’t be a proper roundup without a “Pam from The Office” joke in the mix.

Warren’s policy proposals have won her the endorsement of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC. “Senator Warren is clearly winning the ideas primary,” wrote its co-founder Adam Green in a statement earlier this year.

It would appear that Warren is also now winning the memes primary–as a bit of wholesome Twitter jokes certainly couldn’t hurt her standing at this point.


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