Elizabeth Warren

Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Warren calls for new law allowing presidents to be indicted

The proposal comes just days after Special Counsel Robert Mueller made public remarks.


Andrew Wyrich


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), one of the numerous Democrats seeking the party’s presidential nomination in 2020, said on Friday that Congress should pass a law allowing a sitting president to be indicted.

The call comes on the heels of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s public statement where he said Justice Department policy made it “not an option” to indict President Donald Trump.

Warren made the proposal in a Medium post, much like the numerous other policy proposals she has laid out in recent months.

In it, Warren presented a multi-part plan.

“Congress should make it clear that Presidents can be indicted for criminal activity, including obstruction of justice,” Warren said. “And when I’m President, I’ll appoint Justice Department officials who will reverse flawed policies so no President is shielded from criminal accountability.”

First, Warren said Congress should pass a law clarifying that presidents can be held accountable “for violating the law, just like everyone else.” She also said obstruction of justice statues should “explicitly allow for indictment when the president abuses the powers of the office.”

Warren was among numerous 2020 Democratic hopefuls who called on Congress to begin impeachment proceedings following Mueller’s public statement.

You can read all of Warren’s post on Medium here.


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