divers avengers


People love this video of Olympic divers recreating the ‘Avengers’ assemble

This looks pretty amazing.


Stacey Ritzen

Internet Culture

Marvel’s Avengers—having saved the universe from the deadly snap of Thanos in Avengers: Endgame—may be gone for now, but they are certainly not forgotten. While the rest of the world eagerly awaits the next iteration of the MCU with the upcoming 2020 release of The Eternals, a group of professional British divers paid tribute to our fallen and surviving heroes by recreating the Avengers’ infamous assemble.

On Sunday, Olympic Champion Jack Laugher tweeted the following video featuring himself as Dr. Strange, with his fellow divers in the roles of Captain America, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Black Panther, and Hawkeye.”Avengers assemble,” he wrote, simply enough.


Cleverly enough, the video was created by having each of the divers jump into the water backwards, and then reversing the footage to make it appear as if they were majestically swooping in. The video quickly received more than two million views (at the time of this writing) and counting, as well as receiving over 860 “likes” on TikTok, where it was originally uploaded by “Captain America” Daniel Goodfellow.

In other words, it didn’t take long for people to begin sharing the video. “Have to respect the execution here,” wrote one user, while another pointed out that the diver doing the Spider-Man pose could even replace Tom Holland.

Just a few weeks prior, a similar video went viral on the meme account “But it’s Low Budget,” in which a group of friends–in varying states of physical fitness–attempted the same stunt as the divers.


Whether or not this was the inspiration for the divers’ Avengers video is unclear, however when the possible copycat was flagged in the replies, Twitter user Wynter Mitchell made an excellent point. “THE ONE WITH THE FIT GAYS WAS BETTER SORRY,” she all-caps wrote.

Not to comment on anyone’s body type or sexual orientation here, but let’s just say this is an instance where the original isn’t necessarily better than the remake.


The Daily Dot