

Erotica author Chuck Tingle wrote a book based on Ant-Man crawling into Thanos’ butt

‘He could probably find some new ways to prove love inside a butt.’


Ignacio Martinez


Post-modern gay erotica novelist Chuck Tingle has graced the internet again, this time with a book based on a meme theory about how The Mad Titan Thanos will meet his end in Avengers: Endgame.

Self-described as the “greatest author of our generation,” Tingle released a book titled Revengers Buttgame: Antguy Gets Small to Go Into Thamos’ Butt and Then Gets Big and Hard on Tuesday. The book chronicles the epic clash of how superhero team the Revengers will retaliate after  “a powerful cosmic dinosaur named Thamos claps his buns together and makes half the universe disappear.” Dinosaur erotica is a recurring element of Tingle’s work.

Based on the Endgame fan theory that recently resurfaced, in Tingle’s novel, “It’s up to Antguy to use his amazing powers, shrinking himself down, entering Thamos’ butt, then blowing up extra large.” When it comes to the Endgame theory, most theorists can’t determine how this situation would actually play out. Most theorists, however, aren’t Tingle.

Things go awry as ”the heroes didn’t quite consider the strength of Thamos’ galactic buns, but Antguy soon finds himself using the power of love to change the course of history.”

Asked why he wanted to further examine the fan theory, Tingle told the Daily Dot, “if [Paul Rudd] can be a small man and a big man, then he could probably find some new ways to prove love inside a butt.” 

Previous Tingle works include Domald Tromp Pounded In The Butt By The Handsome Russian T-Rex Who Also Peed On His Butt And Then Blackmailed Him With The Videos Of His Butt Getting Peed On and Pounded In The Butt By My Own ButtThe content is exactly what you’d expect.

Revengers Buttgame is available for digital purchase on Amazon for $2.99.


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*First Published:

The Daily Dot