chai latte recipe video

Everyone hates this suspicious chai latte recipe

Since when is maple syrup an ingredient?

On Sep 29, 2020 by Brianna Holt


Viral thread highlights the beauty of African architecture

‘African Architecture is mostly forgotten and not showcased as it should be.’

On Sep 8, 2019 by Tiffanie Drayton


Man learns girlfriend’s culture, decides he’s ‘better’ at it than her 

‘Sounds like a racist fetishist who you should leave immediately before he embarrasses you and offends your family anymore.’

On Sep 8, 2019 by Siobhan Ball

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Palestinian-American fed up with store-bought hummus delights Twitter with her recipe

Hummus for under $5 in under five minutes? Hell, yes!

On Apr 4, 2019 by Samira Sadeque

rashida tlaib dress

Palestinian women share photos of their thobes for Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s swearing-in

The traditional gowns hold their ancestors’ stories.

On Jan 3, 2019 by Samira Sadeque

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A celebration of classic makers and crafters

Inspiration is nothing but a great idea without the sweat and toil of those few daring makers and crafters determined to bring that vision to life.

On Feb 9, 2017 by [email protected]

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Guide to becoming Instagram famous

We are all guilty of liking our own photos.

On Jun 26, 2016 by Kristen Hubby

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Woman goes on texting tirade after man refuses to have sex with her

The craziest thing is, it started a not-terrible conversation about consent.

On Apr 22, 2016 by Jessica Machado

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Holy s**t, Prague’s historical toilet museum is incredible

You have to smell it to believe it.

On Aug 8, 2015 by April Siese

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A pop music video guide to Russia’s cultural values

Let’s look past Putin for once.

On May 12, 2015 by James Neimeister

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Is an urban legend encouraging South Dakota Sioux teens to take their own lives?

Reports are surfacing that a horror named Walking Sam is driving teens to their deaths. But the reality is much more complicated.

On May 4, 2015 by Aja Romano

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There’s a campaign to put a trans man on the cover of Men’s Health

Aydian Dowling wanted to inspire other trans men. Mission accomplished.

On Apr 14, 2015 by Aja Romano

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Duolingo adds Klingon to its language tutorials

You can’t learn Japanese or Mandarin, but you can learn to talk to aliens.

On Apr 10, 2015 by Aja Romano

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The ‘Ghostbusters’ reboot is already generating a sexist backlash

In the words of Frozen, Let It Go.

On Jan 29, 2015 by Ramon Ramirez

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Our porn obsession is hurting our sex lives

It’s time to take a good hard look at porn.

On Dec 20, 2014 by Harris O’Malley

The Daily Dot