Graham Spanier Penn State Jerry Sandusky jail time

Former Penn State president sentenced to jail for role in Jerry Sandusky cover-up

Prosecutors said Graham Spanier showed ‘a stunning lack of remorse for his victims.’

On Jun 3, 2017 by Josh Katzowitz

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Jerry Sandusky’s son charged with sexually assaulting a minor

Jeffrey Sandusky reportedly faces 14 charges.

On Feb 13, 2017 by Josh Katzowitz

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Penn state PR rep deletes Twitter after defending Joe Paterno

Things not to do on Twitter: defend a guy associated with child sex abuse.

On Sep 17, 2016 by Colette Bennett

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Keith Olbermann calls the NCAA’s decision to restore Penn State’s wins ‘reprehensible’

“Football was more important to them than saving children.”

On Jan 17, 2015 by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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4 better ways to prevent rape than blaming victims

Don Lemon wanted to know what Bill Cosby’s alleged victims could have done to stop him. Here’s some better questions.

On Nov 20, 2014 by Miri Mogilevsky

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The other most tasteless Halloween costume: Jerry Sandusky’s child victims

You thought Trayvon Martin was the worst Halloween costume of the year? Think again.

On Nov 1, 2013 by Aja Romano

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Penn State students and players react to NCAA sanctions on Twitter

The Penn State community is up in arms over huge fines, stripped football wins and a four-year ban on bowl game appearances.

On Jul 23, 2012 by Kris Holt

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Twitter users attack the wrong Sandusky

Baltimore Ravens announcer Gerry Sandusky has been repeatedly mistaken on Twitter for recently-convicted Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky—no relation.

On Jun 29, 2012 by Michelle Jaworski

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Lawyer’s wife in Sandusky case draws spotlight on Facebook

The controversy surrounding disgraced football coach Jerry Sandusky has spilled over onto Facebook, bringing the estranged wife of the defense attorney into the fold. 

On Nov 15, 2011 by Dave Copeland

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Paterno hosts inadvertent press conference

When Joe Paterno addressed the supporters gathered on his front lawn, the Penn State football coach essentially hosted a mobile press conference exclusive to Twitter and Facebook users.

On Nov 9, 2011 by Kevin Collier

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