IBM Facial Recognition

IBM says it will no longer offer facial recognition software

The technology has been criticized for having a racial bias.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Stethoscope on a keyboard

IBM Watson recommended ‘unsafe’ cancer treatments, according to internal documents

The Watson AI isn’t ready to replace physicians just yet.

On by Christina Bonnington

ibm world's smallest computer grain of salt for blockchain

IBM built a computer that’s smaller than a grain of salt

It will use blockchain to authenticate items.

On by Phillip Tracy

ibm magnetic tape cartridge

A single cartridge of this tape can hold 330 million books

IBM’s magnetic tape is breaking the record for highest storage density.

On by Phillip Tracy

ibm security mainframe encryption

IBM’s Z mainframes can encrypt more data than ever before

The company’s computers can run more than 12 billion encrypted transactions per day.

On by Phillip Tracy

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IBM was granted a mind-boggling number of patents in 2016

The company received almost as many as the next two combined.

On by Christina Bonnington

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Tech experts pledge to stand against Trump’s Muslim registry

Engineers at major tech companies are refusing to help—unlike their employers.

On by [email protected]

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IBM predicted Amazon Go 10 years ago—and here’s the video to prove it

Ten years ago, IBM also reimagined the traditional shopping landscape.

On by Christina Bonnington

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IBM’s supercomputer reveals which celebrities tweet like angry robot trolls

I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords.

On by Aaron Sankin

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A supercomputer created the scariest film trailer of the year

This will give you goosebumps.

On by Austin Powell

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Should police departments hire more cops or buy more software?

Predictive policing tools are falling out of fashion.

On by Matt Stroud

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IBM’s Watson analyzed all the ‘Harry Potter’ books and movies

Neville and Voldemort have more in common than you’d think.

On by Christine Friar

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IBM’s Watson supercomputer to start analyzing your selfies for marketing data

Watson, no longer content beating people at Jeopardy!, now wants to know everything about you.

On by Mike Wehner

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An IBM supercomputer will take on China’s air pollution crisis

The research project is called Green Horizon.

On by Dylan Love

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The biggest lie about Scott Walker’s 2016 presidential campaign

It might be trendy in the Internet age to be an ‘outsider’ candidate—but Walker is anything but.

On by [email protected]

The Daily Dot