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Georgia governor to veto ‘religious freedom’ bill that legalizes LGBT discrimination

'I do not think we have to discriminate against anyone to protect the faith-based community in Georgia.'

On Mar 28, 2016 by Mary Emily O'Hara

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North Carolina sued in federal court over anti-LGBT law

The lawsuit accuses the state of violating the Constitution's equal protection amendment.

On Mar 28, 2016 by Mary Emily O'Hara

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University of Michigan says it’s talked to student caught on video ranting at Uber driver

It's not the first time the driver and the student have met.

On Mar 28, 2016 by Michelle Jaworski

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This photo of 2 dads meeting their baby is being used by anti-gay politicians

Two years later, a shocking twist for these viral images.

On Mar 3, 2016 by Carrie Nelson

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Indonesia asks Facebook, WhatsApp to block ‘gay emoji’

'Social media must respect the culture and local wisdom of the country.'

On Feb 12, 2016 by Mary Emily O'Hara

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Coldplay, BeyoncĂ© accused of gay propaganda in last night’s Super Bowl halftime show

The rainbows are coming! The rainbows are coming!

On Feb 8, 2016 by Mary Emily O'Hara

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LGBT youth group crowdfunds campaign to buy notoriously anti-gay church

Celebrities and activists are promoting #HarlemNoHate to strike back against the church.

On Feb 1, 2016 by Mary Emily O'Hara

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2016 could be the year of the LGBT rights backlash

Conservative groups are closing the online gap in the LGBT rights movement.

On Jan 25, 2016 by Nico Lang

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LGBT activists thwart Russia’s anti-gay laws with rainbow-clad march on Moscow

LGBT Russians are not backing down.

On Jan 20, 2016 by Mary Emily O'Hara

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After Westboro Baptist Church attacks David Bowie, nonprofit steals its spotlight with cancer fundraiser

They're harnessing the power of a notorious group for a good cause.

On Jan 14, 2016 by Mary Emily O'Hara

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‘Modern Family’ star Ariel Winter calls out Viner Nash Grier for his homophobic history

Winter used a Grier-friendly hashtag to call out the star's problematic past.

On Jan 12, 2016 by Rae Votta

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Survivor guitarist sues Mike Huckabee for playing ‘Eye of the Tiger’ at Kim Davis rally

One of the band's members really hates that Huckabee keeps playing his song.

On Nov 19, 2015 by Mary Emily O'Hara

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What Donald Trump’s ‘war on Christmas’ is really about

Christianity so fragile.

On Nov 11, 2015 by Skylar Baker-Jordan

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Law firm representing Kim Davis has been labeled a ‘hate group’ for more than a year

The Liberty Counsel has long promoted the idea that gay marriage will destroy Western civilization.

On Oct 5, 2015 by Dell Cameron

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A brief, personal history of the word ‘f****t’

What's getting lost in the Internet debate over the word 'f****t.'

On Sep 30, 2015 by [email protected]