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Hackathon results in clever idea for fighting LGBTQ discrimination via Snapchat

This is a discreet way LGBTQ individuals could document and fight harassment.

On by Christina Bonnington

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The Soylent D**k is the nutritious invention we never knew we needed

The future is here.

On by Gabe Bergado

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At Comedy Hack Day, the tech industry finally laughs at itself

Laughter is the best medicine.

On by Selena Larson

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The weirdest, worst, best ideas from the Stupid S**t No One Needs hackathon

‘Most of the ideas were stupid, but none of them were dumb.’

On by Selena Larson

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How Spotify achieved gender parity at its ‘Diversify’ hackathon

The company made inclusion a focus, and it paid off.

On by Selena Larson

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Seattle police hold hackathon focused on body cams

City mayor Ed Murray and police chief Kathleen O’Toole also visited the event to encourage collaboration between the police and the community.

On by AJ Dellinger

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Hackathon team creates Hashtag Glove, gloves that send tweets

What a world!

On by Joey Keeton

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MIT is trying to hack the breastpump

Breastpumps suck… literally and figuratively. Maybe MIT can make them a little less horrible. 

On by Elizabeth Robinson

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Trans*H4CK aims to put transgender developers on the map

In mid-September, a small group gathered at the Betti Ono Gallery in Oakland, Calif., to make history. 

On by Audra Schroeder

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19 cities are hosting hackathons to pay tribute to Aaron Swartz

The Aaron Swartz Hackathon is dedicated to furthering work on projects and issues that were near to the late Internet pioneer’s heart.

On by Curt Hopkins

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TechCrunch’s weekend hackathon disrupted by ‘Titstare’ app

For many people, two sexist apps ruined what was supposed to be a day of fun hack presentations.

On by Audra Schroeder

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Battle Hack wants to be “the world series of hackathons”

The PayPal-sponsored event will crown “the ultimate hacker on Earth” and award a $100,000 prize.

On by Curt Hopkins

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17-year-old girl saves the world from Twitter TV spoilers

Developer Jenny Lamere won a hackathon with Twivo, her app for blocking tweets about TV episodes you haven’t seen yet.

On by Kris Holt

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ESPN hackathon to demolish gender stereotypes, build cool apps

Sports-loving technophiles who happen to be women will spend two days in November competing to build the coolest social media API.

On by Jennifer Abel

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Facebook changes privacy settings, goes public

The big day is finally here.

On by Kris Holt

The Daily Dot