Woman warns you should never buy solar panels, they’re ‘like a Trojan horse’

‘My electric bill is negative each month’: Woman warns you should never buy solar panels, they’re ‘like a Trojan horse’

‘Not worth it in the long run.’

On by Braden Bjella

Woman mad at company; reliant company logo

‘They did it just to raise his rate’: Woman says her elderly father was a loyal Reliant Energy customer for years. They stopped his service without warning

‘Sounds like a ploy to raise his rates’

On by Melody Heald

Donald Trump

‘I will take electrocution every single time’: Trump announces he’d rather be shocked to death than attacked by a shark at Iowa rally

Stromy Daniels previously said Trump was ‘terrified’ of sharks.

On by Katherine Huggins

Joe Biden speaking in front of red tan and black background with American flag

U.S. attack or Russian false flag? The internet is awash in theories over sabotaged Russian gas pipeline

‘If Russia invades… then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2,’ Biden once said.

On by Mikael Thalen

man speaking (l) person putting gas in car (c) man speaking mad (r)

‘We can’t not buy gas’: TikToker’s video on alleged price-gouging by energy companies sparks debate about car dependency

‘The US was not made for bikes and walking, it was made for cars.’

On by Cecilia Lenzen

A man next to a smart thermostat

‘Woke up sweating’: Texas power companies remotely raise temperatures on people using their smart thermostats

Smart thermostats can be remotely adjusted during periods of high energy demand.

On by Mikael Thalen

Find Something New Ivanka Trump Donald Trump Wind Turbine

Is Ivanka Trump trolling her father with her jobs retraining program?

Trump has made it abundantly clear he isn’t a fan of windmills.

On by Andrew Wyrich


Amazon investing in renewables to cut its data center carbon footprint

In the fight against global warming, data centers are the rack-mounted, air-cooled elephant in the room.

On by Matthew Hughes

tesla sign store car energy elon musk

Tesla’s plan to build a ‘virtual’ power grid may be its most ambitious yet

Powerwalls will be installed in 50,000 homes in the next 4 years.

On by Phillip Tracy

sonnen batterie germany energy storage company

A German company is sending energy storage systems to aid Puerto Rico

The island’s entire power grid was taken offline in mid-September.

On by Phillip Tracy

tesla spacex boring company ceo elon musk

Elon Musk is making good on his bet to create the world’s largest battery in just 100 days

The automaker has until December to solve South Australia’s energy crisis.

On by Phillip Tracy

china lake floating renewable energy

China created the world’s largest floating solar farm on a former coal-mining site

China promised to spend $360 billion on renewable energy by 2020.

On by Phillip Tracy

elon musk

Elon Musk says he will solve Australia’s energy crisis in 100 days—or it’s free

Could this Twitter bet cure an energy crisis?

On by Phillip Tracy

Homepage article image

Trump advances Keystone, Dakota Access pipelines citing dubious ‘job creation’ claims

Both projects are anticipated to create less than 100 permanent jobs—combined.

On by Dell Cameron

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How will we illuminate in the future?

There are imaginative new ways to redesign how we use and distribute energy.

On by Eric Chan

The Daily Dot