David Duke

Twitter permanently bans former KKK leader David Duke

The white supremacist is no longer allowed on Twitter because of his ‘hateful conduct.’

On by Sierra Juarez

White nationalists Richard Spencer and David Duke

White supremacists are souring on Donald Trump

White nationalists are beginning to turn on the man many once referred to as ‘Glorious Leader.’


Rep. Steve King, Republican of Iowa

Congressman stands by controversial tweet promoting white nationalism

‘I meant exactly what I said.’

On by Andrew Couts

David Duke Twitter profile photo

Former KKK leader David Duke briefly kicked off Twitter

It’s not immediately clear why the company suspended the famed white supremacist’s account.

On by Andrew Couts

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Leading racists praise Trump for picking Steve Bannon as chief strategist

Bannon has support from the lower right corner of America.

On by Andrew Couts

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Former KKK leader David Duke celebrates Donald Trump’s victory

The former Ku Klux Klan leader has been a vocal supporter throughout the campaign.

On by [email protected]

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KKK formally endorses Donald Trump

KKK newspaper the Crusader becomes only the sixth to endorse Trump.

On by Brianna Holt

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David Duke’s robocall encourages listeners to vote for Donald Trump (and Duke)

Donald Trump’s campaign has disavowed the message.

On by Tess Cagle

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White supremacists think Donald Trump is secretly speaking straight to them

It’s what Trump doesn’t say that counts.

On by Patrick Howell O’Neill

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Blogger who uncovered GOP Rep. Steve Scalise’s KKK ties had home Internet lines cut

Scary stuff.

On by Aaron Sankin

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A neo-Nazi scandal is shaking the GOP—but it could have been avoided with a quick Google search

If you want to avoid speaking at a racist conference, look it up on the Internet first.

On by S.E. Smith

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How to spot a white supremacist on Twitter

Researchers create an algorithm for tracking down the most dangerous white supremacists on Twitter.

On by Jennifer Abel

The Daily Dot