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America needs a reality check on net neutrality

Net neutrality is more complex than its proponents want you to believe.

On Sep 10, 2014 by Roslyn Layton

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Why we support net neutrality

The Internet's strength relies on strong net neutrality protections.

On Sep 10, 2014 by The Daily Dot Bazaar

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The sad state of net neutrality around the globe

Only three countries have enshrined net neutrality into law.

On Sep 10, 2014 by Eric Geller

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Who’s putting the most money against net neutrality?

They're putting their money where your open Internet is.

On Sep 5, 2014 by [email protected]

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Why supporting small ISPs is a win for net neutrality

“Every time Comcast does something to remind everyone how much they hate Comcast, it’s a good day for the little guys.”

On Sep 5, 2014 by Aaron Sankin

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Net neutrality jargon explained

Here are all the words and phrases you need to know to understand net neutrality.

On Sep 5, 2014 by Fran Berkman

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Raised by the Internet, drafted to defend it

Millennials should be leading the charge to protect the Internet. 

On Sep 5, 2014 by Micah Singleton

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Net neutrality activists to launch ‘Internet slowdown day’


On Sep 1, 2014 by Eric Geller

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Pro-net neutrality comments to the FCC win by a margin of 100 to 1

If the FCC comments are any indication, net neutrality should win by a landslide

On Jul 15, 2014 by Aaron Sankin

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Congressional Democrats introduce bill to save net neutrality

Put that bill in that fast lane!

On Jun 17, 2014 by Aaron Sankin

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John Oliver drops the mic on the net neutrality debate

“If you want to do something evil, put it inside something boring.”

On Jun 2, 2014 by Rob Price

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Epic rap battle drops the mic on net neutrality

The FCC's net neutrality proposal is wiggity wack.

On May 26, 2014 by Fran Berkman

worst net neutrality violations

The 6 worst net neutrality violations in history

Here's how companies act when net neutrality isn't a factor.

On May 21, 2014 by Aaron Sankin

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Ted Cruz introduces bill to strip FCC of net neutrality authorities

‟The FCC should not be dictating how Internet services will be provided to millions of Americans.”

On May 16, 2014 by Aaron Sankin

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FCC net neutrality ‘fast lanes’ plan moves forward in 3-2 vote

“There is one Internet: It must be fast, it must be robust, and it must be open."

On May 15, 2014 by Fran Berkman