Warning: This article contains spoilers for the Game of Thrones seventh season finale, “The Dragon and the Wolf.”
Following an underwhelming episode last week, Game of Thrones delivered a breathtaking season finale that skipped the guts and gore, opting for a heartfelt episode fulfilling popular fan theories and diving into its dense mythology.“The Dragon and the Wolf” reunited a handful of main characters from across Westeros, gave us the sex scene we’ve been dying to see, and left us helplessly watching the wall collapse at the hands of the Night King and Viserion.
The season finale left fans screaming at their TV screens in fear of what’s to come for the eighth season and Twitter was overflowing with enough Game of Thrones memes to make us all laugh instead of cry.
Littlefinger dead.
— FangirlingWhileBlack (@BlackFangirling) August 28, 2017
Cersei pregnant.
Jaime bounced.
Jon & Daenerys f*cking.
The wall gone.
The dead headed south.#ThronesYall #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/aJ6G5DSkWT
The best Game of Thrones memes from “The Dragon and the Wolf”
1) When Cersei becomes the dumbest person in Westeros
Cersei blames everyone but herself for the death of her children. But I guess go off sis #GameofThrones #ThronesYall pic.twitter.com/bfXeJPmJ13
— cowboy whit (@skymidala) August 28, 2017
2) And Jaime isn’t here for it

Jaime reanalyzing his relationship with Cersei. #GameOfThronesFinale #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/lsdVP9lHy1
— sabrii (@sabrina_moffat) August 28, 2017
Cersei: No one walks away from me.
— Deniz S. (@MrFilmkritik) August 28, 2017
Jaime:#GameOfThrones #ThronesYall pic.twitter.com/iVimk2TQpz
3) Sansa and Arya play Littlefinger and give us the moment we’ve all been waiting for
Sansa: You stand accused of murder. You stand accused of treason. How do you answer these charges…. Lord Baelish: #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/1H9GaxVDnb
— Christian Cartier (@DLuxChristian) August 28, 2017

Watching the Stark kids bringing out all the receipts like… #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/wwwIXTEYrk
— JK (@jkillerkella) August 28, 2017
Sansa: You stand on trial for murder and treason, how do you plea…Lord Baelish
— K.J. Hammond (@_KJHammond) August 28, 2017
Littlefinger:#GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/XQKN3jsTFF

4) When Jon and Danny get it on, and it’s beautiful (?)

everyone watching jaime and cersei: “ew this is gross”
— kathleen (@kathleen_hanley) August 28, 2017
everyone watching jon and daenerys: #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/Ks7bEHZlvv
winter was not the only thing coming tonight #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/4893WF7m2c
— Slogo (@Slogo) August 28, 2017
— Dulcinea del Toboso (@DulDulWat) August 28, 2017
Half of the GoT fandom:”But they’re aunt and nephew!!!”
Other half: pic.twitter.com/GCIAPLzMhP
5) Bran and Sam confirm the R + L theory about Jon’s true identity
I waited so many years to see Rhaegar and they finally showed the side of his face for 10 seconds. #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/xfnwjjYDLr
— Farina Hanim (@farinahnm) August 28, 2017


When Jon and Daenerys find out the truth #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/R6z75u6ph1
— 🇵🇸 (@KunRoIe) August 28, 2017

6) Then Sam takes credit for Gilly’s discovery
Sam WAS listening to Gilly! Cue the “hallelujah” music. #GameOfThrones #ThronesYall pic.twitter.com/lRJ9tYFgDd
— Kay Boatner (@kayboatner) August 28, 2017
When Sam Tarley takes credit for what Gilly found in the maester’s scrolls and you’re just like… #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/ttULa17vXb
— Ali Vitali (@alivitali) August 28, 2017
7) When Viseryon returns, but this time as a wight to destroy all hope

— AD (@a_handiaz) August 28, 2017
Me when I saw the wall fall: pic.twitter.com/VolgmOYc2M
When the dead march past the wall and knowing we have to wait over a year for next season #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/hADdV4fP9C
— freya 🌻 (@roguenouis) August 28, 2017
Game of Thrones got me like #GameOfThronesFinale pic.twitter.com/EKVIZh4LQf
— Tracy Dailey (@TracyInNC) August 28, 2017
IS TORMUND SAFE THOUGH? #gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/0FOSsHaqNi
— GoT Things (@GoTthings_) August 28, 2017

8) The pain felt after realizing we all have to wait until 2019 until the last season.

Waiting until 2019 for the final season of #GameOfThrones is going to be the most excruciating experience of my life. pic.twitter.com/CQXhUMJefr
— Oliver Cook (@OGMCookie) August 28, 2017
When you realize that you have to wait until 2019 for new episode of GoT… #GameOfThronesFinale#GameOfThrones #GoTS7 pic.twitter.com/hP9AmGdn0M
— Catherine Adel West (@cawest329) August 28, 2017
praying that i stay alive and healthy so I can watch season 8 of #gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/b1CFH6EKKf
— cleo x (@cscarlettx) August 28, 2017