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The Avengers try to lift Thor’s hammer in this ‘Age of Ultron’ clip

Marvel gave us even more surprises after the first Age of Ultron trailer leaked.


Michelle Jaworski


Marvel’s plans to reveal the first Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer during this week’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. went astray after the trailer leaked, but the company still had plenty to offer during the Tuesday night episode.

The trailer that leaked was still the bulk of the clip that played after the episode ended, but Marvel added a new scene at the beginning, one that likely occurs early on in the movie. After a (presumably) long day, the Avengers—plus a few other familiar faces—are having what can only be described as a pissing contest trying to pick up Thor’s hammer Mjölnir. The contest ends as you would expect—only Thor is worthy of lifting his hammer—before things go south and strings are cut.

It’s hard to say whose attempt is the best, but Thor’s face when someone manages to make his hammer budge is priceless.

During the S.H.I.E.L.D. episode, Marvel also released a first look at Agent Carter, the miniseries starring Captain America’s Hayley Atwell. We don’t get to see much aside from a few action shots, filler footage, and an unnecessary and terrible tagline.

#AgentCarter is coming to ABC Tuesdays this January.

— Agent Carter (@AgentCarterTV) October 29, 2014

For a more satisfying look at Agent Carter, watch the promo muted and then go read some of Atwell’s tweets from behind the scenes.

Another night shoot. New stuntman. Will endeavor to be professional and not actually hurt him. Eeeeeeeeek

— Hayley Atwell (@HayleyAtwell) October 17, 2014

It happened again. There we were, all prepped and professional. And then BAM I whack him in the face. Distance, Hayley. DISTANCE

— Hayley Atwell (@HayleyAtwell) October 22, 2014

Screengrab via Marvel Entertainment/YouTube

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