Mike Pence president 2020

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Mike Pence strongly denies that he’s thinking about running for president in 2020

What does Donald Trump think about this?


Josh Katzowitz


A day after the New York Times reported that Vice President Mike Pence was thinking about running for president in 2020 regardless of whether Donald Trump is in the field, Pence has taken to Twitter to express his outrage at the idea.

On Saturday, the Times reported that Republicans are joking that Pence “is acting more like a second-term vice president hoping to clear the field than a No. 2 sworn in a little over six months ago.”

The newspaper also called Pence the pacesetter when it comes to potential Republican nominees trying to gain traction. Pence has created his own PAC, called the Great America Committee, and though some Republicans reportedly have warned him the money-raising organization could cause speculation, it’s still reportedly raised more in disclosed donations than Trump’s America First Action PAC.

Pence, though, took to Twitter to rebut the Times, calling the article “absurd.”

Still, it sounds like some Republicans wouldn’t mind seeing Trump swapped for Pence.

Citing the “exhausting” amount of “instability, chaos, and dysfunction” in Trump’s administration, Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Penn.) told the paper, “For some, it is for ideological reasons, and for others, it is for stylistic reasons.”

The Daily Dot