Tesla Cybertruck silhoutted over abstract background of cut vegetables

wedmoments.stock/Shutterstock Everyday Chris/Youtube (Licensed)

Sharp panels on Cybertrucks are sending owners to the ER

The Cybertruck can leave users in stitches.


Marlon Ettinger


A Cybertrucker owner said they took a trip to the ER after accidentally slicing open their wrist while trying to clean off a grimy section of the new vehicle.

But this isn’t the first person reporting they got cut by the Tesla truck’s paneling.

In a thread the owner posted on the Cybertruck Owners Club forum, they gave a rundown of the condition the truck was in when they took delivery on it, which they said was less than pristine.

“Windshield (inside) is disastrously dirty. There’s a smeary film over most of it. when the sun hits it directly, I cannot see ANYTHING – super dangerous,” wrote the poster, who goes by bdesign.

There was also a “splattery overspray” on the body panels that wouldn’t wipe off, and a broken rubber seal flapping off near the back of the truck, which they said couldn’t be immediately addressed because the service department was closed.

They also said an upper panel on the driver’s side of the bed flew off while they drove on a main road.

But despite that, they were happy with the new truck.

“Otherwise, it’s great,” they wrote. “Heck, it’s even great with these issues.”

But things took a sharp turn when the poster saw what looked like “a little pit/divet or something in the tailgate.”

According to the post, they licked their thumb to rub it to see if it might wipe off and brushed their wrist against a sharp part of the tailgate panel, slicing it open.

“Blood started pouring,” they recounted. Two Tesla employees at the dropoff were there and went to get a bandage. By the time they got back, there was a poodle of blood.

Bdesign posted a picture of the nasty gash in the thread.

They cleaned the wound and wrapped it tight and after a few hours it looked like the bleeding had stopped. But when they took the bandage off, a spurt of blood erupted from their wrist and the bleeding started again, so they decided to go to the ER.

Posters on the forum reacted with plenty of jokes and riffs.

“Is there a dad knife joke in there?” joked Late_Refustration. “This truck is cutting edge and you can’t handle it.”

“A blood offering was required to appease the gods of CT,” added jerhenderson.

But others were worried about the accident, with other stories circulating about how sharp the paneling is.

On the same forum in early May, a user posted about a deep cut they received from the door.

“If you look at some of the panels they’re sharp enough to shave with,” said Terry Woychowski, the president of benchmarking company Caresoft, in one YouTube video posted in February.

Another video from Tesla YouTuber Everyday Chris last month showed sausages and cucumbers being sliced clean through by running them along the bottom of one of the panels. A carrot doesn’t fare much better.

“Oh man that’s sharp,” Everyday Chris reacted. “Normally the edges are smooth, however there are some rough and sharp areas, and lots of people have been cut by it.”

“I hope this gets someone’s attention at Tesla,” posted CyberPappy about the latest incident. “Wouldn’t kill them to smooth these edges out before assembling the truck. That or someone will literally sever an artery on one and Tesla will have another big problem on their hands (blood in this case).”

“I have to say despite how much I really am pro Tesla, the sharp edges on this truck is a bit irresponsible,” added GnarlyDudeLive. “The panel edges should have all be chamfered. The number of cuts will only grow over time as volume increases.”

“DUDE! This kind of stuff is going to kick-off an investigation and probably recalls! Mark my words, you heard it here first,” predicted REM. “It’s insane that something sharp enough to do that left the factory after inspection. This is actually extremely concerning considering the number of kids that fawn all over this truck. I would force the service center to do a full panel edge inspection (at their cost, of course). WHEW.”

In another thread over the weekend reacting to the injury, owners discussed ways to mitigate the sharp paneling, including getting a PVC trim seal, wrapping the car, and getting edge guards.

And while some people thought that might ruin the truck’s aesthetic, others felt it was a necessary fix.

“Having already watched one of my kids poke herself really good on the tailgate, I’m sure I’ll be doing something like this in the future, regardless of how it looks,” posted batlag. 

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