Internet Culture

‘Women Against Feminism’ gets the Twitter parody it deserves

Patriarchy, schmatriarchy.

Photo of Miles Klee

Miles Klee

Article Lead Image

Where the burgeoning #WomenAgainstFeminism movement is concerned, we have two options: we can engage with its supporters on their own terms, or we can openly ridicule them.

Taking the latter tack is WomanAgainstFeminism, or @NoToFeminism, a Twitter feed of scorching ironies. (The persistent misspelling of “feminism” pushes it into Weird Twitter territory.)

i don’t need femsinmin because we are ALL equal the artificial sweetener

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 6, 2014

I don’t need femnsin because i love The Bachelor it is a show about the success of capitalism, equality and also very capable gardening

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 6, 2014

I do not need feminisn because I like doing housework in fact vacuuming the only thing that drowns out the shrieking voice coming from in me

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 6, 2014

i don’t need feminiss because i get paid the same as my male colleagues of course then my boss takes out the ‘woman tax’ but that’s standard

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 6, 2014

i do not need femsisn because i LIKE being catcalled on the street once a man did it because i was about to fall into a manhole, checkmate

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 7, 2014

I don’t need femisin because i like when my men are men, i was FURIOUS when my husband turned out to be a possum

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 7, 2014

I don’t need femsiy because I think a man should pay for the dates and all the other kinds of dried fruit

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 8, 2014

I don’t need femisimm because women should act like women men should act like men and Meryl Streep should act like anything she’s amazing

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 8, 2014

i don’t need femimin because i LIKE when men look at me like i am a piece of meat it is like being in a meat zoo and i am the star

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 9, 2014

I don’t need fenisimi because women are well represented on tv and in movies there is thin and white, thin and more white, thin and whitest

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 9, 2014

I don’t need femense because women are criticised for talking about tampons & so they should be tampons are a highly classified state secret

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 11, 2014

I don’t need feminism because Men’s Rights Activists must have some good points otherwise they would be called Men’s Wrongs Activists!!!!!!!

— WomanAgainstFeminism (@NoToFeminism) August 11, 2014

Well, consider me convinced. 

Photo by JD Hancock/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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