Internet Culture

Fan uncovers ‘Westworld’ trailers hidden on fictional company’s website

A fan found the trailers and posted them to Reddit.

Photo of Brooke Sjoberg

Brooke Sjoberg

Westworld hidden trailers

Fans of HBO original Westworld have uncovered three new trailers after scouring the website of the show’s fictional data collection and processing company “Incite.”

A fan found the trailers and posted them to the r/Westworld subreddit, according to Mashable.

“On Inciteinc website, the my privacy tab plays a video showing the official trail ( Catagory G ),” the poster u/MTC_Chickpea wrote. “If you cycle through it kicks on different ones about every 25 tries or so. I got lucky with a VPN and clean browser history got different trailer right away.”

In rooting through Incite’s website, the fan revealed more of what to expect in Westworld season 3, which is a lot more than the trailer that followed the Game of Thrones finale did.

The official trailer was released by HBO on Feb. 20. It shows Dolores’s attempt to inspire a robotic revolt in reality.

If you’re not looking for any kind of spoilers at all, stop here.

According to Polygon, the trailers depict slightly different realities than the official one.

The first hidden trailer is more like a “gag reel” of Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) and Caleb’s (Aaron Paul) developing a relationship. It also heavily features Marshawn Lynch, although his presence isn’t fully explained.

The trailers are currently unlisted on YouTube, but we’ve rounded them up for your viewing pleasure.


H/T: SyFy

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