
The internet is having a field day with Trump’s assertion that he’s a ‘stable genius’

Hint: a stable genius probably has hooves.

Photo of Samantha Grasso

Samantha Grasso

President Donald Trump with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott next to a tweet referencing Trump comments calling himself a 'stable genius.'

After President Donald Trump‘s latest Twitter rant, the internet is on the hunt to discover America’s next top “stable genius.” And, the clear answer so far is: It’s probably not Trump.

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Early Saturday morning, Trump unleashed his latest tweet storm responding to speculation that he’s mentally unfit or possibly not intelligent enough to be the leader of the free world. This public opinion was stirred once again by excerpts from Michael Wolff’s book Fire and Fury, which gives an “inside look” at the chaos inside the White House.

“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star to President of the United States (on my first try),” Trump tweeted. “I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius….and a very stable genius at that!”


“A very stable genius, you say?” the internet asked in unison at Trump’s latest assertion of his presidential strength. “We’ll see about that.”

Using the hashtag #stablegenius, Twitter users have rallied around Trump’s self-imposed title to get to the bottom of who this so-called intellectual and sound individual really is.

Some made it clear that this stable genius, despite Trump’s insistence, might not actually be Trump himself.




Even Trump’s statement on being a “stable genius” wasn’t completely… truthful. He didn’t win the presidency on his first run—he initially ran under the Reform Party in 2000 before shortly dropping out before the primaries. Was it a conscious submission? Or perhaps a slip of the mind? I’m sure stable geniuses have their off days, too…


Others decided they actually might know someone, or perhaps something, that might be more suited for the job.


And of course, how could you talk about stable geniuses without bringing up Mister Ed, the famous talking horse on American TV in the ’60s and his team of horse friends.







In reality, it is most definitely all of us who are the stable geniuses for having been able to adjust to this nonstop news cycle of gloom, doom, and unbelievable, surreal developments for the past year.


Yes. It’s all of us. The stable geniuses of the world.

The Daily Dot