Donald Trump is not expected to announce that the US will back out of the Iran Deal during a speech on Friday.

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Donald Trump calls himself a ‘very stable genius’ in early-morning Twitter rant

He also said he was “like, really smart.”


Josh Katzowitz


With some political observers and politicians privately (and publicly) questioning whether President Donald Trump is mentally fit and intelligent enough for the office, he went on a Twitter rant early Saturday morning, calling himself a “very stable genius” and “like, really smart.”

This week, Trump taunted North Korea on Twitter, stating that his “nuclear button” is “much bigger” and “more powerful” that that of Kim Jong-un. A new book, Fire and Fury, was released, and Trump started a feud with former ally Steve Bannon, in which he said of Bannon: “When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.”

And a Yale professor spoke to Democratic members of Congress about Trump’s mental capacity where he reportedly said, “He’s going to unravel, and we are seeing the signs.”

The Daily Dot