Donald Trump Jr shrugging at a podium

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA) Remix by Jason Reed

Trump Jr. followed a parody North Korean news channel, and we are screwed

The world ends with a parody account.


David Covucci

Internet Culture

Many have assumed that, ever since President Donald Trump took office, World War III would start because of Twitter. But at least we could take solace that the cruel mistresses of fate wouldn’t be so fickle as to allow a parody account to incite the conflict.

Now, we can’t be so sure.

Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., is now following @DPRK_News. It’s a parody account, one that pretends to be reflecting the voice of the totalitarian nation, taken to its satirical extreme.

But there’s also no reference in the account bio to it being a parody.

It’s fooled numerous news organizations before—notably, the New York Times—and it tweets extremely unflattering things about President Trump.

And now, Trump Jr. is following them.

donald trump jr north korea
Screengrab via Donald Trump Jr./Twitter

The news, announced by @TrumpsAlert, is making everyone start to worry this will be the beginning of the end.

It appears he followed the account after seeing and liking one one of their tweets mocking Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.).

donald trump jr north korea
Image via Trumps Alert/Twitter

It’s a pretty good tweet, to be fair.

Trump Jr. did not respond to a query about whether he knew the @DPRK_News account was fake.

The Daily Dot