margaret thatcher audience with the queen


‘The Crown’ is inspiring some great impressions on TikTok

Your majesty…


Audra Schroeder

Internet Culture

The latest season of The Crown has already produced memes and pearl-clutching, but on TikTok it’s inspiring a wave of impressions.

Last week, one of comedian Lisa Beasley’s impressions of Margaret Thatcher (played this season by Gillian Anderson) went viral. While it’s spot on, she also updated who plays the Queen (Beyoncé).

It first went viral on Twitter, and Beasley told BuzzFeed that the essential component of her Thatcher impression was being “unmovable in your stances.” That includes the eternal curtsy.

Beasley isn’t the only one inspired by the royals. Voice actor Marcella Lentz-Pope recently posted a collection of impressions, including a pitch-perfect Olivia Colman as Queen Elizabeth, and a nod to Princess Anne.

Matthew Friend produced this impression of Prince Philip reading the lyrics to “WAP,” which Beasley did as well (though as Thatcher). His pronunciation of “wet-ass pussy” is something else.

Jack R. Sheppard’s impression of Princess Diana as a modern-day influencer is all about the eyes (and the tea).

And then there’s the “Señorita” update.

The Daily Dot