spicer spins movie plots meme

Screengrab via The White House

Sean Spicer can spin anything—even famous movie plots

‘Alternative facts’ go to the movies.


Jay Hathaway

Internet Culture

Sean Spicer, known for his cheery spin on every blustery, conflicting thing President Donald Trump says, has been a joke ever since he became Trump’s press secretary. He’s been lampooned by Melissa McCarthy on Saturday Night Live, mocked by Stephen Colbert, and generally torn to shreds by the internet. This week brought a new Twitter game that might be the best “Spicey” burn yet: #spicerspinsmovieplots.

The object is to take the terrible things that happen in movies and imagine how Spicer would spin them to seem “phenomenal.” For example, the destruction of an entire planet and the mass murder of all its inhabitants, as seen in Star Wars, is actually about finding out who leaked the Empire’s plans.


It’s not such A Wonderful Life in the conservative Spicer interpretation of the classic movie about goodwill toward others:

People even think Spicer will defend Scar, the fratricidal lion from The Lion King: 

And they’re mocking his vigorous defense of Donald Trump’s claims about his inaugural crowd size:

They figure he’d argue the terrorist plot in Die Hard, like all terrorist plots, was somehow Obama’s fault:

Schindler’s List? We’d better find out who leaked it!


I think you get the idea: Even the black-and-white morality of the movies turns gray when you mix it with the White House’s “alternative facts.” After a few dismal performances, some said Spicer had fallen out of favor with President Trump and wouldn’t be in his job long, but two months after those rumors surfaced, he’s still standing. And still spinning.


The Daily Dot