Donald Trump and Pope Francis

Photo via Long Thiên/Flickr StateofIsrael/Flickr (CC BY 2.0) (Public Domain) Remix by Jason Reed

The pope threw 3 different kinds of shade at Trump in one meeting

The pope, according to reports, warmed up to Trump.


David Covucci

Internet Culture

Today, President Donald Trump, leader of the free world, met with Pope Francis, leader of the Catholic state.

By all accounts, it went relatively well. Trump told the pope he would “never forget” the meeting he had.

But Pope Francis perhaps got the last laugh. Or laughs, to be precise.

Not only did the pope give Trump a book on the importance of protecting the environment and climate change, he even supposedly got in a fat joke at Donald’s expense, asking First Lady Melania if she kept him plump by feeding him a treat from Slovenia.

And then there’s the photo op. If you recall, Trump released a ridiculously harsh statement after Pope Francis called his plan for a border wall un-Christian.

Something about the Vatican being blown to bits.

Which is maybe why, in one of the first photos, the pope… wasn’t pleased to be with Trump.

Just about everyone online had a LOL at that. Because, come on, that photo is a LOL.

But, alas, it appears the pope did smile for the cameras.

So maybe.

The Daily Dot