nicki minaj doxes group chat members barbz have no mercy

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Nicki Minaj gets added to group text, doxes members on Twitter, and instructs Barbz to ‘have no mercy’

Looks like this new mom didn’t want to be part of a ‘mom club’ group text.


Phil West

Internet Culture

It’s been an eventful Monday for members of a group chat who added Nicki Minaj to their group text. Minaj responded to being added by tweeting out screenshots from the chat with phone numbers of some of the members clearly visible. It also includes a single line of instruction to her group of loyal fans: “Barbz, show no mercy.”

An article on the XXL website, which included a screenshot of the original Minaj tweet, reports that she doxed at least eight “unsuspecting fans on Twitter after it appears that she was added to a group chat called ‘MOM CLUB.’”

XXL’s Zoe Johnson mused in her article, “It’s hard to tell if the rhymer shared the numbers on purpose, but the message she shared suggests that she wanted her fans to presumably do damage in either the individuals’ inboxes or possibly call them up.”

It seems Minaj did not want to be part of this mom club, although she’s a new mom herself. She shared news of the birth of her son back on Oct. 15 — which fans were first made aware of through a July announcement on Instagram.

And so, she appears to have sent her Barbz on the case, who judging from Twitter on Monday, have gleefully taken up the cause.

(According to the “Wiki Minaj” page on, Barbz is the all-purpose name for Minaj’s fans. The page notes their interests include “Typical activities for Barbz include following Minaj on Twitter at the address @NICKIMINAJ, listening to Minaj’s music, and getting their boobs signed.”)

Although the initial tweet’s been taken down, responses to the tweet are still visible on the platform. One of the tweets refers to members of the group chat as “mumbling and cackling,” which set off its own chain of reactions.

One Barb went literally out of this world with her threat. “Text Nicki again and I promise you will wake up on the Moon surrounded by 7 martians ready to dissect and examine every piece of your body for extermination…” wrote user @aventodorslim to a 719 area code.

Another just promised, “We got them,” and posted a hilarious video of some very fast typing.

Another observed, “When the Barbz choose violence they got scared? Hilarious.”

And one, whose user name indicates he’s a Ken Barb (a gay male subset of the Barbz), commented, “I’m so weak” with crying emojis following it, and “Can’t wait till she sees this.” That was in response to an alleged text to one of the group text members, pointing out that if you’ve got Minaj in your group text, you might want to ask if some new music’s gonna drop soon.

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