Lena Dunham has made a lot of public apologies. Most recently, the Girls creator apologized for releasing a statement in defense of a male writer on her former show Girls who is accused of raping a woman. In what is becoming a tradition among celebrities, it appears that she wrote her apology on her phone’s Notes app, posting screenshots of it to Twitter. It wasn’t Dunham’s first long-winded apology, and it likely will not be her last. (See Dunham’s brief history of making apologies on The Cut.) What will Dunham apologize for next? A new parody Twitter account called Lena Dunham Apologizes is making some bets, and it’s great.
Lena Dunham Apologizes For Timing Of Statement About How The Patriarchy Is 'Fetch' On A Diveristy Panel Full Of White People
— Lena Dunham Apologizes (@lenadunhamapols) November 20, 2017
Lena Dunham Apologizes For Claiming She Invented Feminism In A Planned Parenthood Commercial
— Lena Dunham Apologizes (@lenadunhamapols) November 20, 2017
Lena Dunham Apologizes For Wearing A Hijab Like A Sarong At A Black Lives Matter Rally
— Lena Dunham Apologizes (@lenadunhamapols) November 20, 2017
Lena Dunham Apologizes For Speaking In a 'Blaccent' When Meeting Michelle Obama While On Holiday In Cancun
— Lena Dunham Apologizes (@lenadunhamapols) November 21, 2017
Lena Dunham Apologizes For Wearing Cornrows On Martin Luther King Day On A Diversity Panel Full Of White People
— Lena Dunham Apologizes (@lenadunhamapols) November 21, 2017
The tweets read like realistic, awful headlines involving Lena Dunham. It was created by two people who, according to their Twitter bios, live in Melbourne. But the location of the parody account lists Brooklyn, obviously.
The internet is loving Lena Dunham Apologizes.
oh no i found my new favorite twitter. game over. https://t.co/44zRjofhnD
— doth my nugs bequeath me? (@juniebstoned98) November 22, 2017
IT'S SO BELIEVABLE 😂😂 https://t.co/pHyEWoRhMu
— Bag End's Baddest (@LaKaseCousino) November 21, 2017
this account is fake but feels too real https://t.co/DvQAFR1aFk
— j (@jesusacostx) November 21, 2017
FYI this is the only good thing happening on Twitter rn https://t.co/OrLfroS5H2
— Danielle Perez she/her (@DivaDelux) November 22, 2017
We hope that none of these tweets will actually end up predicting the news.