guy sending a drone with his number to a woman during coronavirus


People are shooting their shot in weird ways during the coronavirus

From drones to toilet paper bouquets, flirting looks a little different these days.


Sierra Juarez

Internet Culture

Many are sheltering-in-place amid coronavirus fears, but that doesn’t mean people have stopped flirting.

In fact, it seems like the coronavirus is making people more innovative and creative with how they’re hitting on people.

One viral video shows a romance in bloom. Titled “A Story About A Quarantined Cutie,” TikTok user Jeremy Cohen describes seeing a woman dancing on her roof during self-quarantine.

Although they’re stuck inside, he decides to find a way to contact her. He then sends his drone with his number attached over to her roof. The video shows the result—she ends up texting him.

The viral TikTok isn’t the only weird way people have tried to snag a new partner during the coronavirus.

People have noted that many are changing their dating profiles online. For example, some are updating their profiles to show off coronavirus goods, like toilet paper and hand sanitizer.

Some are suggesting that people show their crushes they really care by even gifting some of those coveted goods.

“Prince Charmin does exist, just stay 6 feet away,” one user captioned a picture of someone holding a bouquet of toilet paper.

Then there are the internet users updating their profiles to say they are “coronavirus free.” (As if this is all that’s needed to be a successful romantic partner.)

The coronavirus also prompted some world-class pickup lines, like “FaceTime and chill.” It goes to show that not even the pandemic can stop people from shooting their shot.


The Daily Dot