Remember the Elf on the Shelf? It’s a character from a children’s book about elves who sit in people’s homes and spy for Santa. The concept was intended to be cute, but many people found it creepy. The elf became a meme several years ago, and people imagined the character stealing, doing yoga, and befriending other toys while humans slept.
And now, a couple of months before the holiday season begins, the meme is back. But the elf is out. Instead, people are coming up with a new character and object that rhyme. Many of the characters in widely-shared versions of this meme are from video games and animated shows.
Instead of Elf on the Shelf, how about Sailor Moon on a Spoon?
Scooby on a Doobie.
Ash in the Trash, or Link in the Sink?
Sans in your Hands.
you’ve heard of the elf on the shelf
— ✨CHELLE D☯GGO✨ (ART ONLY; SEE PINNED) (@ChelleDoggo) September 14, 2017
now get ready for
Shrek on a Deck.

RuPaul on a U-Haul.
If you didn’t know what Elf on the Shelf was until now, or you hate this new meme, don’t worry. Another meme will probably replace it soon.
i wish i was dead
— Game Maker’s Toolkit (@gamemakerstk) September 18, 2017
It’s the circle of meme life.