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If you’re not yet creeped out by Elf on a Shelf, just check Pinterest

One of the best uses of Pinterest to date. 


Lisa Granshaw


The concept of the Elf on a Shelf is a little creepy all on its own, but Pinterest users have taken the idea to a whole new level. The Elf on a Shelf is supposed to be a scout from the North Pole helping Santa Claus with his naughty or nice list. He watches a family all day and reports to Santa at night about what’s happened. The elf is also supposed to move around to watch kids from different vantage points—because it isn’t enough to have Santa himself watching when you’re sleeping or awake apparently. Add to that the fact that kids aren’t allowed to touch the elf or it ruins the “Christmas magic” and that the elf only moves around when you’re asleep so you never know where it’ll be watching you from the next day.

There are plenty of ideas on Pinterest for where you can cleverly place this elf helper, but some users have decided to explore the slightly darker side of what the elf might be up to when you’re not watching.

Here are some of the strangest things Pinterest users have decided the Elf on a Shelf gets up to while you’re sleeping.


Elf on a Shelf encounters the family’s dogs, who take matters into their own paws

Photo via JP R/Pinterest


Elf decides he deserves a little payment for his services

Photo via Adrianne Fillinger/Pinterest


Time for a night out with Batman

Photo via Christie Boma/Pinterest


Drinking with the Barbies

Photo via Bill Johnson/Pinterest


Elf on a Shelf’s seen too much Dexter

Photo via Deborah Lachler/Pinterest


Caught in an awkward position

Photo via Britt Curran/Pinterest


Classic Abominable Snowman decides to have some elf BBQ

Photo via Carrie Wells/Pinterest


Fitting in some nighttime yoga

Photo via Nancy Giles/Pinterest


Elf on a Shelf escapes with Barbie

Photo via Andrea Hoover/Pinterest

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