Apex Legends characters are already a pretty impressive lot. Between the diverse identities and unique abilities (I hate you so much, Mirage), the surging game offers a great list of options to pick from. According to some Apex Legends data miners, it looks like that list will soon be growing, and there are some hints as to what the characters bring to the battlefield. Here’s everything we know about the Apex Legends character leaks.
Apex Legends character leaks
Data miner “shrugtal” found files that appear to name two upcoming characters: “Octane” and “Wattson.”
Scraping strings off the audio files reveals audio for two new legends, and their abilities, Wattson has a Tesla Trap and Octane has a Stimpack. #ApexLegends #Leaks (btw all legends have a wallrun entry, nothing big there) pic.twitter.com/w0aj9MXALX
— Shrugtal (@shrugtal) February 15, 2019
It appears the Octane character will have a stimpack ability, although I’m not sure if this means health recharge, shield recharge, or some combination of the two. Lifeline already fills the function of a healer, so this could perhaps be a timed abilities boost.
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Wattson, true to the name, features some sort of Tesla trap. Apex Legends has been big on area-of-effect abilities like Bangalore’s mortar, Gibraltar’s faster mortar, and Caustic’s poison cloud.

Leakers have also found the names of other supposed characters, although there’s no way to confirm these as of yet.
- Nomad
- Husaria
- Jericho
- Prophet
- Rampart
- Crypto
- Skunner
- Rosie
There’s no word on release dates for any of these leaked characters or any sort of confirmation they will come out at all. Respawn Entertainment has said that “March” is when we’ll see the game’s first proper Battle Pass, much like Fortnite’s, which will allow players to compete for achievements and earn unique rewards, possibly including new characters.