All the viral news that’s fit to break the internet—reported the right way.

man speaking over Lana Del Rey Instagram post with caption 'TICKETMASTER AND BOT SALES ARE OUT OF CONTROL LANAS CONCERTS SOLD OUT TO MOSTLY BOTS...' (l) Ticketmaster on phone screen in front of blurry laptop screen with Ticketmaster site on screen (c) man greenscreen TikTok over Ticketmaster notification 'Pardon the Interruption...' (r)

‘We need to sue Ticketmaster’: Lana Del Rey fan says Ticketmaster accused him of being a bot, wouldn’t let him buy tickets

'Meanwhile, there are thousands of bots snatching up tickets from actual human beings.'

On Aug 30, 2023 by Stacy Fernandez

Publix customer with caption 'if you want to test your patience go to wait in line for a publix sub' (l) Publix Deli line (c) Publix deli worker making sub with caption '30 min later' (r)

‘Something I’ll never understand’: Viewers defend customer who claims it takes 30 minutes to get a Publix sub

‘They have ZERO sense of urgency.’

On Aug 30, 2023 by Melody Heald

police approach vehicle at gas station (l) young woman with caption 'he knows everything about us abs i don't feel safe to go home alone - cops made us get another uber' (c) Uber 'RideCheck' popup (r)

‘Why I’m scared to get in an Uber’: Uber passengers say they almost got trafficked, cops told them to call an Uber home (updated)

'This happen to me with LYFT!!! OMG'

On Aug 30, 2023 by Tiffanie Drayton

person filling plastic cup with water at sink with caption 'here's one of the things we always do before a Hurricane' (l) hand placing quarter on cup of frozen water in freezer with caption 'that way if you lose power and the quarter goes down more than 2 inches' (c) quarter on frozen water in cup in freezer with caption 'you know your food is no longer good' (r)

‘I do this for everyday as well’: Hurricane Idalia prepper shares PSA on why you should always freeze a cup of water and leave a quarter on top

'We have this set up all the time.'

On Aug 30, 2023 by Brooke Sjoberg

Panera customer speaking in car with caption 'so nobody was gonna tell me that Panera came out with blank 0 sugar' (l) Panera building with sign (c) Panera customer speaking in car with caption 'charged blood orange' (r)

‘Ok wait this would convince me to get my sips club back’: Panera customer realizes store now sells zero-sugar Charged drink

'My cardiologist didn't need you to share this info with me.'

On Aug 30, 2023 by Braden Bjella

hand holding flap of cut chicken breaded in bowl with caption 'what is this' (l) hand holding flap of cut chicken breaded in bowl with caption 'yeahhh so this might be my last straw with chicken' (c) hand holding flap of cut chicken breaded in bowl with caption 'what is this' (r)

‘Mine did this the other day from Walmart!!’: Woman shows stringy chicken breast. Viewers think ‘lab-grown’ meat is to blame

'This might be my last straw with chicken.'

On Aug 30, 2023 by Stacy Fernandez

woman speaking with caption 'Things I've Given Up due to the Cost of Living Crisis' 'three meals a day?' (l) woman reading receipt in store cost of living concept (c) woman speaking with caption 'Things I've Given Up due to the Cost of Living Crisis' 'what am I? a millionaire??' (r)

‘Three meals a day? What am I, a millionaire?’: Woman shares things she’s given up as cost of living increases

'It’s like what is even the point anymore.'

On Aug 30, 2023 by Phil West

crumbl cookies gift wrap

‘Crumbl baby what is this’: Customer pays extra charge for gift-wrapping on order. It backfires

'I payed extra for a message and they wrote on the box with Sharpie.'

On Aug 30, 2023 by Braden Bjella

young woman with captions 'it is so funny to me how detached from reality most college professors are' (l) 'just imagine being able to not feel like working and not having to work' (c) 'go get a PhD just because you don't feel like working' (r)

‘The textbook is always by a fellow colleague of theirs’: College sophomore calls out professors for being ‘disconnected from reality’

'Imagine the privilege you have to not have to work over the summer.'

On Aug 30, 2023 by Stacy Fernandez

Homepage article image

‘Keep stealing at self-checkout if you want to’: Walmart customer shows 2 police officers with assault rifles at exit

'Or put f*cking cashiers back in to do their jobs.'

On Aug 30, 2023 by Stacy Fernandez

Disney World guest speaking with caption 'Disney world (Orlando) + Safe foods safe foods that I have found here that I can eat' (l) Disney World sign above road (c) Disney World guest speaking with caption 'Disney world (Orlando) + Safe foods and the fact that I have food aversion and sensory issues' (r)

‘I’m not a fake meat person’: Disney World customer with food aversion says there are no ‘safe foods’ available to her on vacation

'At this point, I would rather stay in a hotel and not eat.'

On Aug 30, 2023 by Stacy Fernandez

hand holding bullet (l) woman with caption 'should i post the ring videos as a warning to short term rental owners?' (c) woman pointing to email (r)

‘Defrauding an innkeeper has five years in jail’: Airbnb guest threw a party at a rental. Then she filed a chargeback on her entire stay

‘If you want to defraud people and act like a freaking terrible person, let’s go.’

On Aug 30, 2023 by Tiffanie Drayton

young woman in car with caption 'something needs to be done about the way workers are treated' (l&r) walmart logo (c)

‘I went on my break and cried the whole time’: Walmart worker of 3 years told she has to work the warehouse at different hours—for $2 less an hour

‘Companies do not care.’

On Aug 30, 2023 by Beau Paul

ex Target secret shopper speaking with caption 'do not cause a scene and go to the back with them willingly' (l) Target sign on building (c) ex Target secret shopper speaking with caption 'they will settle out of court thousands' (r)

‘They will settle out of court tens of thousands’: Ex-Target secret shopper says you should go to the back with them if they falsely accuse you of stealing

‘You are messing up your bag if you don’t.’

On Aug 30, 2023 by Phil West

Red Lobster garlic bread topping in bag with caption 'Please, I beg of you I want that scampi recipe sauce please!! Scampi Sauce' (l) Red Lobster sign on building (c) jug of buttery flavored sauce in hand with caption 'Garlic bread topping, buttery flavored sauce, and wine' (r)

‘Stop getting endless shrimp’: Red Lobster worker leaks recipe for shrimp scampi sauce. There’s no real butter

‘F*ck the scampi, I want the biscuit recipe.’

On Aug 30, 2023 by Phil West