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Judge declares mistrial in Walter Scott murder trial

Michael Slager walks free after a South Carolina jury fails to render a verdict.

On by Dell Cameron

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Judge rejects hung jury in Walter Scott shooting case, orders further deliberation

Walter Scott, 50, was shot 3 times in the back by ex-cop Michael Slager.

On by Dell Cameron

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Spring Valley proves there’s one device that should never be banned from schools

Your smartphone is not the problem here.

On by Derrick Clifton

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Don’t blame viral videos of police brutality for America’s crime wave

‘The Ferguson Effect’ is a myth.

On by Gillian Branstetter

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The complete 2016 voter’s guide to police, crime, and punishment

There’s more to criminal justice than being ‘tough on crime.’

On by Aaron Sankin

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Why Twitter is demanding answers after a black woman mysteriously died in police custody

We need to say Sandra Bland’s name.

On by Derrick Clifton

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The South Carolina police officer who killed Walter Scott will face murder charges

Would this have happened without the video?

On by Kevin Collier

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Everyone should know how to film police brutality

It’s more complicated than hitting a record button.

On by Gillian Branstetter

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Justice Department unveils $20 million program to expand police body cams

Body cameras are an inevitability, but they need to be affordable.

On by Dell Cameron

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Civil rights leaders say the fight for justice in Baltimore has just begun

The charges against police in Freddie Gray’s death are a step forward, not a victory.

On by Dell Cameron

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You can now upload videos of police brutality directly to the ACLU

ACLU official says app essential, despite privacy concerns

On by Tim Sampson

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The one thing Americans need to understand about our police brutality epidemic

Discrimination is about more than violence.

On by Chris Osterndorf

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We need to pay the man who recorded Walter Scott’s brutal killing

He should be rewarded for an important public service.

On by Gillian Branstetter

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Police brutality is modern lynching—and you may be a part of it

The Internet can’t stop sharing videos of black men getting shot.

On by Feliks Garcia

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Publicists now charging media $10,000 minimum for Walter Scott video

A publicist is licensing footage of police shooting of Walter Scott to media for $10,000 fee.

On by JC Sevcik

The Daily Dot