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Ted Cruz, Rupert Murdoch, and other conservatives want religious test for refugees

‘Give me (some of) your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.’

On by Aaron Sankin

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Online campaign gets racy lad mag pulled from shelves

Australian horndogs can no longer buy their softcore Zoo magazine at a major supermarket chain.

On by Laken Howard

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The amazing FCC complaints against ‘The O’Reilly Factor’

‘This might sound crazy, but…’

On by Andrew Couts

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Aziz Ansari takes Rupert Murdoch to task for his Islamophobic tweet

It was a Twitter takedown of epic proportions.

On by Michelle Jaworski

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Why the tech-bro takeover of media keeps failing

The mass resignations at the New Republic today are part of a bigger pattern.

On by Miles Klee

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Russell Brand threatens to sue the Sun for calling him a hypocrite

Brand claims he’s not the story. But he’s fast becoming it.

On by Rob Price

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What Fox News can teach us about how the Internet works

The definition of “all the news that’s fit to print” has changed on the Internet. 

On by Chris Osterndorf

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Meet the man who livetweeted every day of Britain’s phone-hacking trial

We find out just how difficult it is to livetweet an entire trial.

On by Ned Donovan

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Tweekender: Mario Balotelli’s dog deserves her own Twitter account

Game of Thrones, Diplo, and Rupert Murdoch all made a splash this week

On by Kris Holt

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Mick Twister tweets current events as limericks

Mick Twister’s 140-character limericks might be the most unusual way to catch up on the day’s news. 

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

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George Michael goes on Twitter tirade

The musician didn’t need much prompting to let out his unfiltered rage. 

On by Christian Yoder

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Rupert Murdoch’s tweets become collectors’ item

Artist Michelle Vaughan is printing a five-part series of Murdoch’s tweets on the finest of Italian paper stock.  

On by Jordan Valinsky

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Australia proposes mass monitoring of blogs

Even blogs that average only 40 pageviews a day may be forced to join the same regulatory body as mainstream newspapers.   

On by Lorraine Murphy

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Rupert Murdoch booed on Twitter for piracy tirade

News Corp. CEO calls Google “pirates” and lambastes President Obama—then gets a taste of his own medicine.

On by Fernando Alfonso III

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That’s not Rupert Murdoch’s wife on Twitter

A fake account for Wendi Deng Murdoch fooled almost everyone—including Twitter and News Corp.

On by Jordan Valinsky

The Daily Dot