gadsen flag video

‘Your son is a legend’: Video of teacher kicking 12-year-old out of class for ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ patch racks up millions of views

TikTok had a lot to say about the school administrator’s decision.

On by Katherine Huggins

LPN logo on black background (l) FTX logo on white background (r)

‘They literally traced it’: Libertarian Party shares antisemitic meme about FTX Crypto’s collapse

“*Sets the ‘Libertarian Party spreading neo-Nazi agitprop’ counter back to zero*.”

On by Claire Goforth

Three gold Star of David badges with the words 'Covid Free' written on each.

Conservatives compare ‘vaccine passports’ to the Holocaust

It’s nothing like it.

On by David Covucci

cliff maloney young americans for liberty

Prominent youth libertarian organization facing numerous sexual harassment accusations

They’ve coalesced around the hashtag #YALtoo.

On by Christopher Hutton

Dan Bongino

Dan Bongino’s Clinton-Russia theories are something to behold

He is a podcasting freak of nature.

On by Amrita Khalid

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Florida Senate candidate drank a goat’s blood, used fascist symbol

And a history of advocating for eugenics. Did we mention that part?

On by Kevin Collier

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Meet the Canadian college student who’s about to be the next enemy of the feminist movement

Lauren Southern is running for public office, finishing college, and trolling feminists, all at the same time.

On by Marisa Kabas

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Rand Paul threatens to shoot down nosy drones in a Snapchat interview with CNN

Best to never go snooping around a libertarian’s property.

On by Miles Klee

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Concerned citizen pulls over an unmarked police car

He got off with a warning.

On by Kevin Collier

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The battle for Bitcoin is over, and libertarians lost

To truly succeed, Bitcoin will shed everything that its early adopters loved, and it’s already happening.

On by Aaron Sankin

Homepage article image The social network for Ayn Rand obsessives

Pledge money, and you’ll be awarded in Galtcoins. Yes, Galtcoins.

On by Brendan O’Connor

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Ron Paul charged with “reverse domain name hijacking”

The Libertarian’s attempts to reclaim two websites devoted to his political ideals backfired.

On by Cody Permenter

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Michigan representative distances himself from the pack online

Justin Amash retweets liberally and has explained every one of his votes on Facebook.

On by Justin Franz

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Beyond the election: Third-party candidates and social media

Libertarian Gary Johnson will not win the presidency tonight, but he does have a fair number of fans on social media.

On by Justin Franz

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Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson joins the debate on Twitter

He touted his record as the “one candidate for President who has NEVER advocated government-run healthcare.”

On by Justin Franz

The Daily Dot