Chrome Privacy Extensions

5 Chrome privacy extensions you should install right now

Here are some easy ways to beef up your privacy while using Chrome.

On by Libby Cohen

adobe flash player chrome

Still using Flash in Chrome? It’s time to prepare for the end

Flash will be phased out entirely from Chrome by December 31.

On by Libby Cohen


Workers claim Google made spy tool to prevent them from organizing

The ‘creepy’ tool reports any employee who creates a calendar event that includes more than 100 workers or 10 rooms.

On by Mikael Thalen

google chrome dark mode

How to enable Google Chrome’s dark mode on Mac

Your browser will be going dark in no time.

On by Mikael Thalen


Activists create ‘Block Amazon for Me’ plug-in to initiate web boycott

New Yorkers are standing up against the retail giant.

On by Sunny Kim

google chrome browser

Google now logs you into Chrome without asking

This is a questionable security practice.

On by Christina Bonnington

best google chrome extensions

The 50 all-time best Google Chrome extensions

You’re missing out.

On by Amy-Mae Turner

Chrome logo

Google is considering alternatives to the URL

Google engineers are reimagining a URL-less future.

On by Christina Bonnington

Firefox Logo

Mozilla engineer claims Google purposefully slowed YouTube for non-Chrome browsers

There are fixes if you’re on Firefox or Edge.

On by Christina Bonnington

man in suit with Chrome logo head and man in suit with Mozilla logo head arm-wrestling

Switching from Chrome to Firefox Quantum restored my faith in Mozilla

It’s faster, prettier, and loaded with features. But should you abandon Chrome?

On by Phillip Tracy

Choose Kind Google Chrome Extension

Google Chrome extension turns internet hate into kindness

Inspired by the movie ‘Wonder,’ the extension changes hateful content into positive language.

On by Brianna Stone

How to download from SoundCloud

The simple way to download anything from SoundCloud

Downloading those mediocre remixes is easier than you think.

On by Kristen Hubby

Google Chrome

Google Chrome 57 takes major steps to improve speed and power usage

You’re going to want to update your Chrome browser.

On by John-Michael Bond

Homepage article image

Make America kittens again with this Trump-replacing Chrome extension

Behold, a cabinet full of kittens.

On by Nayomi Reghay

Homepage article image

Why you should update Google Chrome

The security updates are just the beginning.

On by Monica Riese

The Daily Dot