Former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt's team approved part of the script for a spot on Fox & Friends in May 2017, according to a new report.

Emails show ‘Fox & Friends’ let Scott Pruitt sign off on a segment about the EPA

The morning talk show is a favorite of Donald Trump.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Andrew Wheeler EPA

EPA chief Andrew Wheeler’s social media likes come under fire

He has numerous questionable likes and retweets.

On by Andrew Wyrich

scott pruitt

Scott Pruitt met with climate change denier, accused sex abuser in Italy

Pruitt met with Cardinal George Pell, a climate change skeptic, last year.

On by Ellen Ioanes

scott pruitt

Democrats in Congress demand Scott Pruitt resign during hearing

Things have gotten heated.

On by David Covucci

E-waste, smartphone and tablet screens

Recycler Eric Lundgren wanted to reduce e-waste—and ended up in prison

An e-waste recycler’s innovative attempt at helping our e-waste problem landed him in prison.

On by Christina Bonnington

JIm Carrey painting of Scott Pruitt

Jim Carrey’s latest portrait victim is EPA head Scott Pruitt

That is quite the pipeline.

On by Audra Schroeder

A leaked email from the EPA directed employees to deemphasize climate science.

Report: Leaked EPA email tells employees to ‘downplay’ climate change

The talking points contradict the agency’s own research.

On by Kris Seavers

Trump signing bill at desk

Here are most concerning government openings Trump hasn’t filled

He’s strangling the bureaucracy.

On by Brenden Gallagher

EPA Head Scott Pruitt's First-Class Travel Is Costing a Fortune

EPA head Scott Pruitt’s first-class travel is costing a fortune

Pruitt likes to travel in style, but he doesn’t like to explain why.

On by Ellen Ioanes

Homepage article image

Report: EPA administrator was directly involved in climate data purge

More than 1,900 web pages were either removed or modified.

On by David Gilmour

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Activists scrape EPA data after warning of website shutdown

Environmentalists aren’t taking any chances.

On by David Gilmour

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EPA slams Trump in mistakenly posted press release

A misquote called Trump’s plan ‘irrational’ and ‘irresponsible.’

On by Lauren L’Amie

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New bill restricts the EPA’s ability to regulate by cracking down on science

House votes to prohibit the EPA from proposing regulations if the scientific evidence is not made public.

On by Nidia Cavazos

Donald Trump in front of an American flag

Trump’s 2018 budget slashes funding for the arts, environment, and poor Americans

Say goodbye to the arts and environmental protections.

On by Andrew Couts

Homepage article image

What is WOTUS, Trump’s latest target?

The Obama administration vastly expanded which streams and wetlands are protected by the Clean Water Act.

On by Amrita Khalid

The Daily Dot