Blake Griffin pioneers shirt obama martin luther king muhammad ali

The L.A. Clippers put Blake Griffin on a T-shirt alongside Ali, Gandhi, MLK, and Obama


On by Chris Tognotti

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The RNC just tweeted a fake Abraham Lincoln quote intended to mark his birthday

The internet has responded in kind.

On by Chris Tognotti

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What’s Obama’s go-to campfire ghost story?

Girl Scouts spent the night at the White House—one of the most haunted places in the U.S.

On by Samantha Rogers

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Hitler’s clone and 4 other historical doppelgängers on the Internet

All this science has gotten out of hand.

On by Feliks Garcia

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Don’t blame atheists for the Chapel Hill shootings

America has a long history of discriminating against atheists, too.

On by Matthew Rozsa

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Artist turns world leaders into hipsters

Amit Shimoni may lack originality, but that sure hasn’t stopped him.

On by Miles Klee

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Stephen Colbert signed off from ‘The Colbert Report’ with his signature irreverence

The Colbert Report is dead! Love live Stephen Colbert!

On by Michelle Jaworski

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7 things Americans think are more plausible than global warming

Bill O’Reilly said that virgin birth was easier to believe than climate change.

On by Matthew Rozsa

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3 reasons why wearing blackface is (almost) never OK

A British woman got trolled on the Internet after complaining about a pub owner’s racist get up, and these incidents are all too common.

On by Matthew Rozsa

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5 reasons ‘Older White Guy Appreciation Day’ is the dumbest idea ever

White men have enough holidays as it is.

On by Chris Osterndorf

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These government agencies are surprisingly awesome at Tumblr

When you picture great Tumblr pages, the federal government probably doesn’t come to mind.

On by Eric Geller

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Marching band somehow turns Gettysburg Address into amazing performance

Who know you could make the Gettysburg Address look this cool?

On by Michelle Jaworski

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Ken Burns is making people read the Gettysburg Address and it’s actually awesome

Everyone from Stephen Colbert to Taylor Swift is trying their hand at Lincoln’s most famous speech.

On by Justin Franz

The Daily Dot