Hillary Clinton(l), Donald Trump(r)

Hillary Clinton takes dig at Trump for losing to her and Biden in New Hampshire—after he claimed he beat them both

Trump has never won New Hampshire’s general election, despite his boast.

On by Katherine Huggins

Court document for Ricky Vaughn(l), Ricky Vaughn meme profile picture(r)

Internet troll Ricky Vaughn sentenced to 7 months in jail for meme campaign to deceive voters in 2016

Vaughn was motivated by a desire to suppress non-white voter turnout, said prosecutors

On by Marlon Ettinger

Donald Trump speaking into microphone in front of navy blue background

‘Loldongs terrorism’ and ‘operation titty twister’: Trial of pro-Trump troll dubbed the ‘meme martyr’ is a wild ride

Can sh*tposting be election interference?

On by Claire Goforth

Homepage article image

Brad Parscale is the man behind Trump’s curtain

Either Brad Parscale made former President Donald Trump, or Trump made him.

On by Claire Goforth

A cartoon of Trump and Putin.

Disinformation experts raise questions over leak ‘proving’ Putin helped Trump in 2016

Questions are being raised over a report from the Guardian detailing allegedly leaked Russian documents.

On by Mikael Thalen

Reality Winner looking into camera (L) and an illustration of Reality Winner on a sign (R).

Reality Winner, sentenced for leaking info to journalists, released early from prison

Winner was charged in 2018 after giving the media classified information.

On by Mikael Thalen

Homepage article image

Twitter troll who shared misleading voting memes in 2016 charged with election interference

Authorities allege that Douglass Mackey spread memes that were intended to discourage people to vote.

On by Andrew Wyrich

President Donald Trump's inauguration

Kayleigh McEnany implies Obama didn’t give Trump ‘orderly transition’—resurfaced video of Trump in 2016 begs to differ

People are pointing to a video of Trump thanking Obama.

On by Mikael Thalen

hillary clinton 2016 warning

Hillary Clinton’s 2016 ‘warning’ about how Trump acts when ‘things are not going in his direction’ resurfaces

‘Wow, Hillary Clinton knew this was going to happen.’

On by Eilish O’Sullivan

President Donald Trump giving a speech

Everyone on Twitter seems to be getting 2016 ‘vibes’

Early results show a race that’s still anybody’s game.

On by Mikael Thalen

Donald Trump Black Voters deterrence data Channel 4

Trump used Facebook to try and convince 3.5 million Black Americans not to vote in 2016

Channel 4 News obtained a database used by Trump’s 2016 campaign.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Homepage article image

This woman said Hillary Clinton losing the 2016 election gave her PTSD, and people are furious

‘You do not have PTSD because of an election. Get a grip.’

On by Esther Bell

President Donald Trump and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

WikiLeaks lawyer says Trump offered Assange a pardon—if he’d deny Russian hack

The message was allegedly relayed to Assange by former Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.

On by Mikael Thalen

Reality Winner

Reality Winner is asking for clemency—will she get it?

Winner believes it is time she is set free.

On by Kevin Limiti

Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton blasts Bernie Sanders, says ‘nobody likes him’

Clinton also attacked the ‘culture’ around Sanders and his campaign.

On by Andrew Wyrich

The Daily Dot