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What we searched for in 2012

Google tells us what the world was looking for in 2012.

On by Kevin Morris

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Reddit’s Secret Santa poised to smash world record

Less than six hours in, the gift exchange is already halfway there.

On by Kevin Morris

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Buzzed: 3 unforgettable moments from the London 2012 closing ceremonies

The Olympics may be finished, but they’ll live in GIF form forever.

On by Jordan Valinsky

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YouTube Guide: “The Dark Knight IRL”

British practical joker Robson Thomson races a mile in Batman’s shoes while Mystery Guitar Man puts a crazy spin on Franz Ferdinand’s “Take Me Out.” 

On by Chase Hoffberger

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Pulitzer Prize-winning reactions

Thanks, Jeff Sonderman, for compiling the best reactions to the Pulitzer Prize.

On by David Holmes

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The Burmese elections will be broadcast on YouTube

Burma’s elections on Sunday will be broadcast on YouTube.

On by Fruzsina Eördögh

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Coming soon to YouTube in 2012: frustrated content creators

A new video promoting YouTube’s professional channel brings up old issues in online community. 

On by Fruzsina Eördögh

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Whither their Twitters: Two responses from former presidential candidates

Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain have different social-media strategies after their failed candidacies.

On by Justin Franz

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The Mayan calendar says you have one year left to live—or not

Tick tock. So what will you do with your last year of life?

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

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Jon Huntsman’s daughters take shots at Cain on YouTube

The GOP primary heats up as one candidate’s family fires a satirical video across the bow of frontrunner Herman Cain.

On by Justin Franz

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Mixed reaction among 2012 field over Gadhafi death

The GOP presidential field’s reaction to overthrown Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s death reveals the level of uncertainty over what might happen next

On by Justin Franz

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GOP debate winners have one thing common—they didn’t show up

At the Las Vegas GOP debate, Jon Huntsman and Gary Johnson both claim small victories—without even showing up.

On by Justin Franz

The Daily Dot