HOA member slaps homeowner with $125 fee for having Amazon packages on porch

@tnathan_lokius/TikTok (Licensed)

‘I don’t get it how you have so much money’: HOA member slaps homeowner with $125 fee for having Amazon packages on porch

‘Main reason I would never live in a HOA community!’


Braden Bjella


Homeowners Associations are a popular topic of discussion on the internet—and not for good reasons.

Across social media, users have virally complained about their HOAs. One user claimed that they were being sued by their HOA after their monthly fee went up by $750. Another alleged that their neighbors followed them on social media and levied fees for their online behavior. A further user said that she was being harassed after her HOA falsely accused her of leaving her trash bins outside.

Now, another user is sharing their alleged story of HOAs gone awry.

In a clip with over 9.4 million views as of Saturday, TikTok user @creatinetips shows what he alleges to be an interaction between himself and his neighbor. The video starts by showing several delivery drivers leaving packages. After a while, a man approaches the door.

“Hey, bro. So I’m part of the HOA, the Homeowners Association. You know, I keep track of the neighborhood, making sure people are doing the things they need to do, yada, yada, yada,” the man says. “You have like a ton of packages on your porch, right? You know, HOA code says you’re not supposed to have this many packages on your porch. You can order as much as you want, but you can’t keep them on your front porch like you are.”

“They’ve been here all day. I’ve been watching this literally from my house down the street…all day, they’ve been right here,” he continues. “I don’t want to look at them. They’re ugly. Just bring them in the house. I don’t get it. They’ve literally been here all day. I don’t get it how you have so much money. You just order stuff non-stop. It’s really starting to piss me off.”

The man then proceeds to fine the TikToker for his packages at $25 per package, resulting in a total fine of $125.

Although many were quick to chide the man for his actions, there’s a catch—the video appears to be fake.

@creatinetips’ TikTok page is full of similar situations involving his supposed neighbor. While he claims in his profile that he’s “definitely not the neighbor,” the TikToker’s page has video after video of ridiculous situations involving this supposed neighbor. Additionally, when the video was posted to X (formerly Twitter), a community note referenced the idea that it was fake—a sentiment echoed on a Reddit thread featuring the video.

@tnathan_lokius #homeownersassociation #lifeontiktok ♬ original sound – Revelation of The Fold

To further prove the idea that it is fake, other videos from these alleged neighbor interactions are a bit sillier. For example, in one video, the “neighbor” complains that someone has ordered him a bright orange morphsuit, a complaint he makes while wearing the morphsuit. He later uses the same suit to make a video in which the neighbor claims he’s “here for the costume party,” a video that humorously ends with the neighbor being stuck outside of the house.

“It took me til about halfway to realize this is a parody,” said one user in the comments section of the above video. “I’m going to go try and lower my blood pressure now. Good job.”

“He’s making fun of the HOA. This is his house.” claimed another.

That said, many used the comments section of the above video to complain about HOAs in general.

“An this is why ill never live in a HOA neighborhood,” said a user.

“Welcome to HOA where the rules are made up as we go, and ‘definitely not the neighbor’ fines to pay his mortgage,” joked a second.

The Daily Dot reached out to @creatinetips via email.

The Daily Dot