Woman gets letter that she owes at least $6,000 in 3 months because of HOA rule change

‘The least that you could do is send prepaid postage’: Woman gets letter that she owes at least $6,000 in 3 months because of HOA rule change

‘This envelope got me heated.’

On by Grace Fowler

Houses on HOA blocks

‘Lawyer up and quick. They could take your house’: 5 HOA horror stories

‘Everyday I’m reminded of why I’m so grateful we don’t have an HOA.’

On by Ljeonida Mulabazi

Woman says HOA damaged her TK car after towing it from her driveway

‘Send them the bill’: Woman says HOA damaged her car after towing it from her own driveway

‘This should definitely be illegal.’

On by Phil West

Woman talking(l+r), Tow Truck with car(c)

‘They couldn’t just knock on the door?’: Homeowner says HOA towed her car out of her own driveway

‘And what have we learned?! DO NOT LIVE IN HOA NEIGHBORHOODS!!!’

On by Maya Wray

Woman talking(l+r), HOA graphic(c)

‘Quite literally unfathomable’: Condo owner says HOA voted to use new legal loophole to charge everyone $11,000

‘Who has thousands of dollars lying around to be due in literally two months?’

On by Phil West

Homeowner learns neighborhood’s HOA has been fake for 25 years

‘I am so invested’: Homeowner learns neighborhood’s HOA of 25 years is fake

‘Similar situation happened in my neighborhood.’

On by Braden Bjella

HOA member slaps homeowner with $125 fee for having Amazon packages on porch

‘I don’t get it how you have so much money’: HOA member slaps homeowner with $125 fee for having Amazon packages on porch

‘Main reason I would never live in a HOA community!’

On by Braden Bjella

Print outs of emails and social media screengrabs(l+r), Woman talking to camera(c)

‘That’s just creepy’: Homeowner says HOA ‘stalked’ her social media, sent her screenshots and a $500 fine

‘Everyday I’m reminded of why I’m so grateful we don’t have an HOA.’

On by Braden Bjella

woman speaking with caption 'I am currently getting sued by my HOA' (l) Homeowners Association paper on wooden surface with toy house (c) woman speaking with caption 'I ain't got $950 per month just for my HOA' (r)

‘That’s like 2 mortgages’: Homeowner says HOA is suing her for $10,000 after increasing monthly fee by $750

‘Do not ever get a home with an HOA.’

On by Stacy Fernandez

Resident advises against moving into a community with an HOA

‘Why are we spending $65,000 on landscaping?’: Homeowner warns against moving into a community with an HOA

‘HOA for me is a dealbreaker on a home purchase.’

On by Jack Alban

Woman Explaining About Her Trash Bin

‘If they’re going to make a violation they better be right’: Woman says HOA harassed her family after wrongly accusing them of leaving out their trash bins

‘I have to disprove their false bullsh*t.’

On by Jack Alban

woman spray painting bushes green

‘THEY can control what YOU own’: TikToker spray paints dead bushes green to comply with HOA, sparking debate

People were divided over the role of HOAs.

On by Clara Wang

The Daily Dot