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You haven’t seen the last of us, vows Yang Gang

Andrew Yang may be out, but his squad is still very much online.


Claire Goforth

Layer 8

Entrepreneur Andrew Yang suspended his presidential campaign last night. It was a disappointing end for a campaign that saw a political newcomer go from relatively unknown to poll as highest as fourth in the contest for the Democratic nomination.

Even as he announced that he was dropping out of the race, Yang teased that he might not be finished with politics. “While we did not win this election,” he said, “we are just getting started.”

This fueled speculation among his supporters—the so-called Yang Gang—who are already calling for him to run again.

Yang’s candidacy harnessed the power of the internet, using social media to woo voters and raise significant campaign funds. Drawn in by his unique mix of centrist and liberal policies, such as his oft-cited universal basic income proposal, celebrities like Dave Chappelle, Donald Glover, and Nicholas Cage counted themselves among his supporters.

Although Yang didn’t succeed in converting online and celebrity support into delegates in Iowa and New Hampshire, he did accomplish the impressive feats of putting himself on the map politically and shifting the conversation, while seeming to relish the experience.

Even the @TheTweetOfGod account was sad to see Yang go.

So even as they mourn the loss of their presidential candidate, the Yang Gang is hopeful that he’ll be back. Within hours of him dropping out, supporters were tweeting #Yang2024, #Yang2028, and #YangForever.

Others urged whomever the nominee becomes, which many assume at this early stage will be Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), to choose Yang as their running mate.

Yang himself has not indicated what his next move will be.

The Daily Dot