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Twitter is sharing powerful stories about where they were during 9/11

A viral tweet tells the human stories behind the attacks.


Nahila Bonfiglio

Layer 8

There is officially a generation of almost-adults who weren’t alive when the two towers fell on Sep. 11, 2001. But those of us who remember that day recall exactly where we were when we heard the news. On the 17th anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks, people on Twitter are sharing powerful stories about where they were when they found out about the deadliest terror attack in United States history.

The rallying tweets began to quote-tweet the original question: “Where were you on September 11th?” I was posed by user Jeremiah Dunleavy late Monday.

Many people remember being confused, often too young to understand the weight of what they were seeing. Twitter user @mgooty remembers clinging to her infant daughter as she tried to deal with the tragedy.

International users remember, too. User @mchawk saw the news and immediately called his American friends, and @justtweetinman recalls feeling calm knowing that it was “in america, not here.”

Other people shared anguished stories of feeling helpless and terrified. One woman, @sarah3579, said that she was certain we were all going to die.

These gristly stories remind us of how we felt that day, watching terror unfold on our television screens. Some people remember watching the second tower fall, others remember almost nothing. Twitter user @AubreyJWilson recalls the sight of people jumping from the burning tower. A heartwrenching thread from @why_balloo chronicles his attempts to reach his mother, who worked at the World Trade Center.

Remembering where we were when we found out might not change what happened, but it connects us, not just as a country, but as humans.

The Daily Dot