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Lorie Shaull/Flickr

‘Me voting in 2018’ meme perfectly sums up how people feel about the elections

These memes capture the 2018 feels.


Sunny Kim

Layer 8

Tomorrow is the last day to vote in the midterm elections, and people are comparing their feels for the 2018 election to their emotions leading up to the 2016 presidential election. Some very appropriate memes captioned “me voting in 2016 vs. me voting in 2018” are making the rounds on Twitter.

Last year, people expressed their exhaustion over the state of the world with “me on election day” memes. But if people were flabbergasted—and then hardened—by 2017, they’re feeling fired up in 2018.

This year’s version of the election meme usually compares a picture of a generally happy looking person or animal (representing 2016) with an extremely angry picture that reflects the current political atmosphere.

Many of the memes use photos of celebrities.

Animal photos also accurately reflect people’s election feelings.

Other variations on the meme show just how dang stressful the past two years have been. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, among others, illustrate how much people feel they’ve aged since the last election.

Here’s to hoping this year’s election results feel more promising.


The Daily Dot