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Here’s how to take yourself on a date this Valentine’s Day

Sure beats going on a shitty Tinder date.


Colette Bennett

Dot Recs

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, which can make those of us who don’t have a Valentine pretty awkward. Shouldn’t we have one? How can we survive this day without a gaudy box of chocolates and a poorly made teddy bear? What if we’re alone FOREVER?

The answer is, we can survive quite well. Good self-care is a worthy habit to pick up, and that means you can love yourself just fine on V-day. Then you’ll be too busy enjoying yourself to brood about why you don’t have a lover (YET).

Write a gratitude list


Taking a few moments in the morning with your coffee to write down what you have to be grateful for can change your perception completely. Try it a few days a week with a gratitude journal, like this one from Amazon (and there are others to choose from if this one doesn’t float your boat). This is especially effective for a single person who’s being told by society that they aren’t OK without a partner (Pro tip: you are).

Price on Amazon: $6.49

Buy it here

Take a long bath with Epsom Salt


If you’re a bath person, you already know the value of a good soak. If not, it’s worth a try, especially if you have body pain or sore muscles. Light an aromatherapy candle, add some Lavender Epsom Salt to your bathwater, and play some chill music. Taking the time to relax will help slow down your brain (which is likely addled from trying to survive this administration anyway).

Price on Amazon: $12.49

Buy it here

Pamper your skin with a sheet mask


Whether you’re male or female, taking good care of your skin has a soothing effect. Try out a sheet mask, which is so popular in Korea and Japan that they’ve gotten big here in the U.S. too. Wash your face, pop it on for 15-20 minutes, and enjoy skin softer than a baby’s ass afterwards. People gonna be checkin’ out your skin, believe us.

Enjoy GOOD chocolate


Sorry not sorry, Russell Stover fans, but you can do better. A LOT better. If chocolate is your jam, treat yourself to some high end chocolate instead of the cheap stuff. K’ul makes dark, rich chocolate loaded with superfoods like raisins, cherries, pomegranates, and more. It’s got a five-star rating on Amazon for a reason.

Price on Amazon: $32.65 for 12

Have an orgasm (or three) with a great vibrator


You could own a gaudy pink vibrator if you really wanted to, but there are plenty of classier (and sturdier) options on the market these days. LELO makes some of our favorites, including the Lily 2, which is USB rechargeable, waterproof, and features ten speeds of vibration. For men, we recommend the Tenga Fliphole, which is equally incredible. Lay back, relax, and enjoy the euphoria (and check out our bullet vibe guide if you want more!)

Happy V-day – remember to love yourself!

Price on Amazon: $125+

Buy it here


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