vote trump 2020 song


People can’t handle this family’s viral new song: ‘Vote Trump 2020’

You’ll never un-hear the von Trump kids.


Claire Goforth


President Donald Trump’s first campaign rally is days away, and already the crowds are gathering outside the arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

One of the more interesting groups eager to attend the rally/coronavirus party is a talented group of singers. And they have a treat for you.

NBC’s Cal Perry posted a video of the group, which appears to be a family, singing “Vote Trump 2020” last night. Good luck getting it out of your head.

Some other lyrics include: “Come on everybody/Four more years/There will never be another U.S.A./It’s time to vote/It’s time to pray.

“Vote Trump! 2020.”

You won’t be the only one humming the jaunty tune from behind your mask. Already six million people have viewed the video.

Many of those people were, frankly, uncomfortable. Others were pumped.

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Andy Ostroy challenged people to name that band.

Suggestions include, “The Purity Rings,” “The Trumpabillies,” “The Superspreaderz,” “Magadeath,” and so much more. Several referenced the singing von Trapps from The Sound of Music.

“It’s like a modern day Von Trapps, except they’re joining the Nazis, not running from them…” quipped @TrumpsTaxes.

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Rebecca Tucker/Twitter

Political songs and dances of any quality tend to inspire mixed emotions. Perfectly harmonized middle America church choir-types jamming out to “Trump 2020” is no different.


The Daily Dot