
Kevin Morris

Kevin Morris is a veteran web reporter and editor who specializes in longform journalism. He led the Daily Dot’s esports vertical and, following its acquisition by GAMURS in late 2016, launched Dot Esports, where he serves as the site’s editor-in-chief.

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Ice T’s face in this video is the only PS4 review you need

And all they did was show two dudes playing pong.

On Nov 14, 2013 by Kevin Morris

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Not content to steal dogs, Craigslist scammers are now ruining weddings

When this showed up at the house they’d rented for their wedding, they found it was already lived in.

On Aug 3, 2013 by Kevin Morris

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Yes, Pinterest has a child porn problem

The most pernicious criminal activity online has finally spread to the bustling, brand-friendly image board.

On May 31, 2013 by Kevin Morris

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Has China stopped censoring the Tiananmen Square Massacre?

On the eve of China’s most sensitive event, it appears that China’s censors are relaxing their trigger fingers. But appearances are deceiving.

On May 31, 2013 by Kevin Morris

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Sick pedophile code revealed in Craigslist undercover sting

The coded language pedophiles use to communicate online is shockingly simplistic.

On May 22, 2013 by Kevin Morris

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Mother furious after cops use Facebook to inform her of son’s death

Anna Lamb-Creasey would have known her son had died nearly three weeks sooner, if only she knew the right place to look on Facebook.

On Feb 19, 2013 by Kevin Morris

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Is China’s newest leader behind this social media account?

Does Xi Jinping, head of China’s communist party and likely its next president, run his own account on social media site Sina Weibo?

On Dec 31, 2012 by Kevin Morris

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Why our nipples get hard when it’s cold outside

Also in today’s Reddit digest: Old school espionage and Reddit’s “meta” ecosystem.

On Dec 31, 2012 by Kevin Morris

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The sex lives of married redditors

Plus: Eternal September, the best obscure words, and a scientific explanation for that sinking feeling in your gut.

On Dec 28, 2012 by Kevin Morris

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Why is China really cracking down on Internet anonymity?

China’s newest leaders have only been in office a few months, but they’re already preparing to tighten controls over the country’s Internet. .find_in_page{background-color:#ffff00 !important;padding:0px;margin:0px;overflow:visible !important;}.findysel{background-color:#ff9632 !important;padding:0px;margin:0px;overflow:visible !important;}

On Dec 27, 2012 by Kevin Morris

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Is Reddit suffering from brain drain?

Also in today’s digest: the world’s worst-kept secrets, an AMA from South Pole scientists, and what it feels like to get shot.

On Dec 27, 2012 by Kevin Morris

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2Channel founder facing drug charges over a forum post

A 2010 post on 2channel, the massive Japanese site that inspired 4chan, has landed founder Hiroyuki Nishimura in hot water with police.    

On Dec 21, 2012 by Kevin Morris

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4 White House petitions launched to address gun control

In the wake of another national tragedy, citizens are trying to take a stand online at the We the People petition site. 

On Dec 14, 2012 by Kevin Morris

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The 10 most influential people on Reddit in 2012

Through contributions, ideas, and moderator activity, these 10 power users helped shape Reddit’s biggest and most controversial year yet. 

On Dec 14, 2012 by Kevin Morris

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An AMA with astronaut Chris Hadfield

Plus: Why eHarmony fails, historical sleuthing, and the TILs of the future.

On Dec 14, 2012 by Kevin Morris

The Daily Dot