
Colleen Cronin

Colleen Cronin is a former FOIA intern for the Daily Dot. She previously worked at People magazine and the Cape Cod Times.

Ali Alexander next to a letter sent by the House committee investigating the Capitol riot.

‘Stop the Steal’ organizer Ali Alexander subpoenaed by Jan. 6 Committee

Alexander and another Stop the Steal organizer were issued subpoenas.

On Oct 7, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

Homepage article image

New bill would require ransomware victims to immediately disclose payments to hackers

‘The U.S. cannot continue to fight ransomware attacks with one hand tied behind our back.’

On Oct 7, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez looking into camera.

‘This is an actual thing she’s done that’s worth getting pissed over’: AOC criticized for her Iron Dome vote

Both the left and the right criticized the New York lawmaker.

On Sep 24, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

A woman standing in front of colored light.

Public interest groups call plan to give FTC $1 billion for data abuse enforcement ‘crucial’

The groups said the FTC was ‘overdue for an influx of resources.’

On Sep 23, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

Shamima Begum in hijab (l) and in western clothing (r)

‘I would rather die than go back to ISIS’: A former U.K. citizen who joined ISIS at 15 asks to return home

A teen joined ISIS after the group interacted with her on Twitter—now she’s begging to be allowed home

On Sep 16, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

Hunter Biden waving

Twitter did not violate any election law in censoring Hunter Biden laptop story, government finds

On Sep 15, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

Woman holding pregnancy test

A viral claim is floating on TikTok that a woman in Texas died from a self-induced abortion

There’s no confirmation, despite the claim’s virality.

On Sep 8, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

rachel maddow with ivermectin disinformation tweet

Gunshot victims are not being turned away at hospitals because of ivermection cases, despite viral stories

‘That it’s still up on Twitter is a crystal clear example of how Big Disinfo is a political construction, not an empirical framework.’

On Sep 7, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

Four young soviets in front of NCAA basketball with caption VIRAL LABOR

From sponsorships to merch, college athletes can now use their personal brands to monetize the internet

Young athletes no longer have to turn to the big brands for a payday.

On Sep 3, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

Family sits on brick wall

‘It’s not looking in our favor’: Man who organized anti-mask Freedom Rally now on a ventilator after catching COVID (updated)

The Freedom Rally was for those who were ‘sick of the government being in control of our lives.’

On Aug 27, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

A Bola Wrap device and a TikTok page

BolaWrap promoted a controversial police lasso used on the mentally ill with TikTok hype videos

The account had more than 48,000 followers and 1.5 million likes. Videos ranged from tens of thousands to millions of views.

On Aug 20, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

man in truck with bomb at us capitol

‘That toolbox is full of ammonium nitrate’: Man lives streams bomb threat from U.S. Capitol on Facebook (updated)

U.S. Capitol Police are investigating an active bomb threat

On Aug 19, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

A fake CNN tweet

Fake news accounts claim Taliban executed CNN journalist

None of the accounts are verified on Twitter, and all of them were created earlier this year.

On Aug 17, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

image of facebook logo and phone

Facebook will still ban Taliban content despite return to power

The decision comes after the Taliban toppled the democratic government of Afghanistan.

On Aug 17, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

neighborhood watch sign in the snow

A neighborhood watch in Columbus led the charge in stopping Citizen App from partnering with police

‘I routinely tell people, don’t believe everything you see on Citizen.’

On Aug 17, 2021 by Colleen Cronin

The Daily Dot