YouTube time traveler lie detector


YouTube time traveler takes lie detector test to ‘prove’ he’s from 2045

He says the aliens are coming—and sooner than you think.


Josh Katzowitz


A man who goes by the name of Adam Archon first appeared on the ApexTV channel on YouTube when he claimed that Martin Luther King’s granddaughter would be the last U.S. president. Now, he’s taking a lie detector test so that the supposed time traveler from 2045 can try to prove what he claims.

Like most of the ApexTV guests who say they’ve journeyed from another time and place, Archon had his face pixelated and his voice modified (he actually sounds like Noah, the channel’s most frequent guest who has shown off a time machine and presented a U.S. map from the year 2030).

“I need to prove to you this is true, so you can take the information I’ve given you and make the world a better place,” Archon said before the lie detector test began.

The Daily Dot did not independently verify whether his answers were legitimate, but according to ApexTV, he answered truthfully when saying he’s from 2045, that he has a chip implanted in his hand to facilitate time travel, that aliens land on Earth in 2028, and that humans begin to converge with robots in 2045. Of course, ApexTV is not a trusted news source—it’s a widely popular YouTube channel that’s rolled up millions of views with its entertaining tall tales about time travel. They exist as straightforward reports, and aren’t satirical in nature, and do routinely attract believers.


Archon said he would not elaborate on the subject of where future aliens come from because he was worried about a “paradox” but he did confirm dinosaurs were being cloned in the future (another ApexTV guest recently explained why that might not be such a great idea).

Here’s the entire video.

But it’s clear from the video’s comments on YouTube that not many people were buying the legitimacy of Archon’s results.

Some said the test wasn’t legitimate because not all the queries posed were yes-or-no questions. Some wondered why the results on a laptop or from a heartbeat monitor weren’t displayed for the audience. Another person wrote, “If the guy is insane and believes his lies then the lie detector won’t detect that he’s lying.”

The last time we encountered Archon, he was claiming that Yolanda Renee King, the granddaughter of MLK, would be elected president in the year 2030. Since all the countries of the world would begin to converge with each other a few years later—and 10 global leaders would then follow the commands of an artificial intelligence being to rule the world after that point—there apparently would be no need for a U.S. president.

A time traveler who might or might not be Archon previously showed supposed video from 2045 to ApexTV.

This also isn’t the first time ApexTV has given a supposed time traveler a lie detector test. Last year, a man named William Taylor who said he visited the year 8973 also submitted to one. Naturally, he passed his test, as well.

As for Archon, he said if you didn’t believe him, all you had to do was wait and see if his predictions come true. So, wait we shall.

The Daily Dot