Yanny Laurel

This one tweet probably sums up everyone’s feeling about the Yanny/Laurel debate by now

Psst, it’s totally ‘Laurel.’


Stacey Ritzen

Internet Culture

Unless you’ve been living under a particular rock without a Wi-Fi connection, you probably have A Very Serious Opinion about the Yanny vs. Laurel debate by now—the internet phenomenon which went insanely viral on Tuesday after being posted on social media by vlogger Cloe Feldman.

Depending on the individual, one seems to clearly hear one word or the other, or in a few rare instances a mix of both or something else entirely. As such, it was quickly compared to 2015’s social media sensation #TheDress, which saw entire families torn apart and houses divided.

Indeed, even the Daily Dot staff became at vicious odds with one another by the time the Yanny versus Laurel debate bubbled to a simmer in Slack.

I mean, listen for yourself:

But because the internet is a fickle and cruel beast, within the span of 24 hours, Yanny/Laurel went from being the talk of online to beyond tired. We can probably call the exact time of death to when Speaker of the House Paul Ryan guffawed about it during a press conference earlier today.

So regardless of whether you’re team #Yanny or team #Laurel, we can all appreciate this take from voice actor SungWon Cho (@prozdkp), who posted the following clip on Twitter Wednesday morning—which quickly went viral for obvious reasons.

I don’t know about everybody else, but I definitely also heard “Laurel” that time.

The Daily Dot